Chapter Three

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'Made a friend', indeed. The next day, Makaria called Kaethe, and afterwards the three of them were inseparable. They hung out that weekend, Kaethe and Quinn showing Makaria around before she would start school the following week. Makaria found out that they had tons in common with each other, such as Kaethe was a bookworm and Quinn hated anything to do with athletics. His letterman jacket was from being in band since the fourth grade. Makaria also had four out of six classes with Kaethe, while the other two she shared with Quinn. Unfortunately for her, Julia was also in three of those classes.

After that day in the grocery store, Makaria found that she couldn't stand to be in Julia Seawell's presence for more than a few minutes. Long curly bright red hair and dark green eyes, she was the head cheerleader for the school. However, Makaria felt like Julia's IQ was below the surface line and whenever she was in her presence she could feel Julia's starting to take over her own. Makaria could feel herself becoming stupider. She also couldn't stand to watch as Julia would throw herself at Ian. She would hang all over him, kissing his cheek and laughing whenever he said anything. It was disgusting, really. Makaria couldn't stand it.

She also couldn't stand Ian Wallace himself. She quickly noticed within the first week of school, that Ian got special attention because he was the point guard on their school's basketball team; he was going to take them to state, or so she kept hearing. She kept her distance from him, or tried to anyways. It was hard when she shared all six of her classes with Ian. However, Ian made it easy for her to dislike him, always giving her glares when she would enter the classroom. She couldn't figure out what she'd done to him, except for that first meeting.

Despite all that, despite how he treated her; Makaria found herself drawn to him. He'd creep into her mind at the most inappropriate moment, causing her to stop in mid sentence or whatever she was doing at the time.

Kaethe noticed the first time they had come across the basketball team in the library. They had been walking to class together, passing the library on the way. Talking adamantly about the flowers her grandmother was trying to cross breed, Makaria had stopped mid-sentence as soon as her eyes had landed on the ebony head. Staring for just a moment, Kaethe watched as the girl shook her head before she picked up where she'd left off.

"Oh man... do you got it bad," Kaethe remarked as they walked into their shared classroom. Going to the seat in the back of the room, she sat down her books falling to the desk. "How long has that been going on?"

"Got what?" Quinn quipped up, his head popping up between them. He took a bite of the banana in his hand, staring at the two girls.

Makaria made a face at him. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied."And where did you get a banana?" Turning around so she was facing the front of the room, she missed Kaethe give Quinn a knowing look. Quinn had no clue what was going on.

"Okay, someone needs to explain what's happening," he said.

Looking at her boyfriend, Kaethe smiled. "Someone has a crushed on our star point guard," she told him.

"Nooo... Really?!" Quinn whipped his head around to look at Makaria. "The point guard, Makaria? Do you know how cliche that sounds?"

Turning around so she was facing her two friends, Makaria frown, her face turning beet red. "Look, it's just because I'm new," she said. "Besides if he keeps giving me the cold shoulder, then I'll be over this before summer starts."

"Summer is six months away, Mak," Quinn piped up.

Makaria gave him a dirty look. "Thank you, Captain Obvious."

"Look, Makaria, I understand," Kaethe replied. "I had a small crush on him too, back when I was younger. But Ian isn't some one you date, he's someone you have a one night stand with. He's a jock, which means he's good for one thing and one thing only. Running with a ball. Besides, unless you're thinking about joining the cheerleaders, he won't give you the time of day."

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