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"I saw you with them yesterday," Jake said in lieu of greeting, face contorted in anger as he stormed up to Y/N. His hands were balled up in fists, and even with their long history Y/N had to scoot back a step in slight fear, the anger rolling off of him in waves.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Y/N muttered, turning back to the book that was perched on her lap. She was sitting on her front porch while she waited for one of her parents to come home, locked out of her house since she forgot her key that morning before she went to school. Thankfully winter had come and passed, otherwise, Y/N would have had to take refuge with her neighbour Candice, who was too nosy for her own good.

"Don't play dumb, I /know/ it was you with them yesterday. I thought I warned you about them, but you never listen, do you?"

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Y/N exclaimed, jumping up from her spot to get in Jake's face.

"All you've ever done is follow Embry around like some lovesick puppy. Its tiring, watching you fall all over him as you try to catch his attention," Y/N couldn't find anything to say to him, gaping up at Jake as he slowly starts to shake in anger, "After he joined Sam and his little cult he's been nothing but a dick to the three of us, but there you were, sitting and laughing with Embry and Paul fucking Lahote as if what they've done, what /he's/ done, doesn't matter."

"And what did they do, huh? What have they done to you or anyone in this town to deserve those rumours that were spread around about them?" Y/N shouted, though took a step back when she noticed his shaking getting more violent, "You need to calm down."

"Yeah, like I'm going to listen to you," Jake spat, turning swiftly on his heel and stomping off down the road to where Bella Swan lived. Even as he got farther away Y/N could still see him shaking angrily, hands still tightly balled at his sides. It hurt to hear him talk about Embry and Paul like that, but she knew where it was coming from. The group's fast change in appearance and personality was sudden in a way that no one could really understand, including her at one point.

There wasn't much she could do now that Jake knew, and with how angry he was it wouldn't surprise her if he went to confront one of the two, or even both is he was feeling brave enough. Y/N slowly sat back down on the front step, just bearly catching the blinds flutter shut across the street.

Y/N had bearly gotten comfortable on the hard wooden steps, book not even open before her phone was going off in her bag. Letting out a heavy sigh, Y/N contemplates just leaving the phone, not wanting to deal with Jake if he had anything else to say to her. After a second of thought, she decided it was for the best to just answer the message, no matter who it was from.

To her surprise, there was a new message from Paul waiting for her in the group chat she was in with him and Embry.

P: What happened just now, I don't know how to explain it, but I scared for a second there and I know it wasn't me.

Y/N: Jake was just here, apparently he saw the three of us at the cafe yesterday, he wasn't too happy about that.

P: What did he do!?

E: Are you ok?

Y/N: I'm Fine! He got really angry, more than I've ever seen before. He was even shaking. Do you think he's going to shift soon?

E: Probably, we're gonna have to let Sam know.

P: Shit, that means we can't go out tonight since Sam's gonna probably hold a meeting over this.

Y/N: That's fine, I have homework to do anyway. Have fun ;)

The sound of a car driving down the street pulled Y/N away from her phone, looking up just in time to see her dad pulling into the driveway looking tired. Even though the windows were closed she could still hear the twins chatting excitedly, hands flailing wildly as they talked over each other.

Y/N slid her book back in her bag, knowing that she wouldn't get anything done with the twins as excited as they were.

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora