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"So, how was patrol last night?" You ask as you climb into the backseat of the truck. Rain pelts against the roof, water running down the windows in thin ribbons. It warps the silhouettes of the other students running to their cars or the bus, looking more like blurred shapes than actual people.

You shake yourself out of your soaked jacket with an annoyed huff, shivering despite the warmth of the truck. You lean forward in your seat to better see the boys, propping your face up with your hands.

"Horrible, Jake ran his mouth the entire time, trying to convince Sam that Bella deserved to know about us," Paul replied with a roll of his eyes, slowly pulling out of the parking spot and out of the lot. He turns to look at you over his shoulder once he's on the road, making you realize just how close you were to him in the small space when your noses nearly bump.

"Did it work?" You get an ugly snort from Embry in response, a laugh bubbling up before you could even think to stop it. When you turn to look at him you find yourself in the same predicament, close enough to count the freckles that littered his skin. Your face feels hot, and you will yourself to stay calm, knowing that they'll hear your heart racing if you're not careful.

"No, the only thing he could think of was, 'Bella knows about the leeches, so why not us?'" Embry mocks, pitching his voice to try and sound like Jake, "It doesn't help when Bella calls him all day, makes him want to tell her even more."

You let out a quiet hum in response, not knowing what else to say but wanting to make sure they knew you were listening. Paul turns to look at you again, seeming to only just realize where you were, "You should probably put your seat-belt on."

"I thought your senses were heightened?" You tease, still not moving from your spot between the boys. He looks offended at the comment, though a playful glare settles on his face when he realizes you were just joking around.

"They are, still doesn't mean one of these dumb-asses won't crash in front of us," Paul gestures to the car in front of you, one that you immediately recognizes as Mike Newton's.

And while the threat of your fellow students is enough of a reason to sit back in your seat, you have an alternative motive for why you're still leaning foreword. A shiver threatens to wrack through your body just at the thought of sitting back in your seat, so you prepare yourself for the inevitable teasing.

"You two are really warm and I'm cold," You admit under your breath, keeping your eyes firmly on the road and away from the boys. From the corner of your eye, you can see Paul's teasing grin at your admission, "Shut up, Paul."

"I didn't say anything," he exclaims with a laugh, holding a hand up in defence. Rustling from the passenger seat draws your attention over to Embry, who had just undone his seat belt and was twisting around in his seat. You watch him in amusement as he shoves the backpack that was in his lap to the ground.

"What're you doing?" You ask, shifting back into your seat when Embry sits up from his, "Em?"

He waves you off, manoeuvering his muscular body between the front seats and into the back. The truck isn't big enough for him to move around in, and you try and fail to stifle your laugh when he hits his head off the roof of the truck.

Paul doesn't bother to hold his in, his laugh loud and deep in the small space. It's cut off immediately by Embry punching him in the shoulder, and he whips his head around to glare at Embry. He throws his own punch in response, though Embry must have been expecting it, diving forward into the back seat, narrowly avoiding the swing.

Embry falls heavily into the seat on your right, grinning up at you from his slouched position, "Hi."

"Hi," You laugh, reaching out to brush his dishevelled hair back in place, "what're you doing?"

𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙨 𝘼 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙬𝙙   ━━  Embry x Reader x PaulWhere stories live. Discover now