14-Finale Battle and Celebrations

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A.N.-Nothing to add.


I was sitting in my throne room to defend the attack from Oceanus when I received a mind-message from my brother, " Olympus Under Atack come quick,". I grabbed my trident and teleported to the throne room. I appeared in full oceanic battle armor. Everyone was there and Zeus began, " Kronos is attacking a full-on frontal assault on Mt. Olympus with all of his armies,". "Also brother," I said, "Oceanus is attacking my kingdom and I have to get back quick,". "Take Perseus with you, he is the only one who can breathe under-water other than you," Zeus said, "Everyone else stays here on Olympus to defend Kronos's attack,". I grimaced, despite my brother's sometime stupidness, he is a good planner. "Meeting dismissed,".

I flashed to my throne room and Perseus did the same. Immediately his earthen armor sifted to under-water armor. "So dad, where is he attacking from?" Percy queried. "He's attacking from the right, left and from the middle," I said. "Which side is the weakest?" he asked. "The right side I replied. "Well, let's attack first so we can surprise him," he responded.


 The Battle that followed was one of the bloodiest battles I had fought. The monsters didn't disappear they just died leaving tails of blood floating to the surface. When the blood got so thick I couldn't see a guttural scream echoed throughout the valley I was fighting in. The Skolopendra appeared its scales flashing. It was the size of the Argo 2 and had slimy scales. Its jaws were large enough to swallow a great white shark whole. It had something in front of its eyes helping it to see. Then the sea rumbled and the Kraken arrived long tentacles out waiting to kill me. Bothe monsters launched at me and I did the only thing I could have done, I attacked. I attacked the skolopendra first since it was smaller. I slashed at it with Riptide and ducked, the Krakens arm hit the skolopendra. It was pushed back a hundred meters. I swam after careful to not get hit by the Kraken. I swiped and the creature buckled. I stabbed near the eye of the beast and the carcass dissolved leaving behind a skeleton and the pungent taste of blood. I turned back and knocked into a pile of rubble. It was time to take down the Kraken.

The creature shot its tentacles out hoping to grab me. I dodged and weaved. I looked into its eyes and what I saw terrified me. its eyes did not look like a regular octopus, it looked intelligent, its gray stared at me defiantly. Through the corner of my eye, I saw a tentacle snaking towards me. I stared at those eyes and the tentacle tried to grab me. Keyword: tried. I was prepared for this beast, I struck down causing a spurt of blood. another tentacle tried to grab me and I jumped on it, more tried but I weaved through them all and finally came near its head. I looked back and saw all the limbs strung up, not being able to move. I took out Riptide. The creature thrashed around. I saw poor helplessness in its eyes. I knew what I had to do.


I batted y way throughout the army of telekhines and caught a glimpse of the battle between my father and Oceanus. My father was losing badly and I could tell that in a few moments Oceanus would win. I made my way over to them when I heard a huge roar, shaking buildings and collapsing walls. Debris flew everywhere and my father seemed to become older. Then out of the debris came the Kraken and on its back, my brother sat. Percy brandished his sword and shouted a war cry. He launched a beam of power with Riptide at Oceanus but he twirled his blade around making the water stop it. I shot a power beam with my trident at him too and he had more trouble holding us both back.

 Percy jumped of the Krakens back the power beam still in course. We both made our way over to Oceanus who was crumbling in the sand. "Well seems like you need a hand grand-pops, here's one." Percy sassed. A hand made out of sand pushed Oceanus out of the ground. Both our power beams stopped and Percy replaced the sand hand with his hand, holding him by the neck. "It looks like Kronos's army is a titan down," Percy mouthed off. He threw Oceanus at our Father's feet and he stabbed his trident through his skull turning him to dust.

P E R  C Y

"Percy we need help!" Artemis's distressed voice came throughout my head. I relayed the information to my bro and Poseidon. "We'll do the same thing we had done before," Poseidon replied. I flashed myself to Artemis's position and saw that we were in a chariot. The chariot on autopilot. In front of us was a huge storm cloud, no Typhon. I summoned my chariot and got in. Artemis firing shots at it. "Get him to the Pagesetic gulf," I yelled at the other Olympians. 

We got him the gulf and a portal appeared, Cyclopses flying out of it with huge black chains. My brother Tyson was there wielding a club and some chains. They threw their chains around Tyson's legs. He buckled and Zeus smashed a bolt against his forehead. Poseidon appeared and threw his trident at his groin making me wince. The trident came back to him. Hades appeared and behind him a hole straight to Tartarus. He still resisted and I decide that it was time for me to something. Concentrating, I shifted the Earth under Typhon making it slope toward the hole, Summoning a bolt of lightning in hand, fire in the other and making a wall of water on the top of the slope and threw them both at him smashing his brain backward. He fell backward, unconscious.

All of us flew back to Olympus and Kronos was climbing up the mountain alone. The Big three summoned their weapons, Zeus his master bolt, Poseidon his Trident, and Hades with his helm of darkness and his sword. They launched power beams at Kronos knocking him back down the mountain. I chose not to interfere since this was their battle to fight, not mine. Kronos spun his scythe blocking their powers and pushed towards the Olympians. I decided to do something. I jumped off my chariot and behind Kronos making the ground rumble. "You've made a wrong choice Kronos," I said. I threw riptide at him he dodged but it hit his scythe, unbalancing him. "It's time we thought you a lesson father," Zeus solemnly declared. He picked up Kronos's scythe and walked over to Kronos. Kronos backed up but I was behind him. With a swift whoosh of the scythe, Kronos turned into a slob of flesh. Disgusted I stepped back. I looked at the surrounding area. It was no more a city that bustled, it was a war-torn battlefield. I got the signal for the meeting. 

T H I R D  

The Olympians appeared in the throne room.  There were some demigods in the hall. They congratulated them and gave them each gifts. Then the meeting began. Hades was sitting in a small stone chair. "I have an announcement," Perseus said. "I vote for Hades to be on the council, who's with me?".  More than half the Olympians raised their hands and the fates flashed in. They announce him and the room rumbled. A solid black throne littered with the undead and riches were next to Poseidon and Zeus's. The meeting continued for a long time.


"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you a question," I said once the meeting was over to Artemis. They were in the gardens watching the mortals fix their city. "Sure, you can ask me," she replied. "W, wi will you be my girlfriend?" I inquired. Artemis turned to face him and closed the gap between them. Their lips connected and a million fireworks blew up in Percy's stomach. He kissed back deepening the kiss. They soon ran out of breath and had to break away, "Yes I will," Artemis said confidently.

A.N.-Happy ending and long chapter. Hope you're happy. This took me a long time to plan and write. Vote, Comment, and Follow!!

Question-Have you heard of Lego Ninjago

Words: 1426

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