Y/N: 'Well... it's good to see at least the master cares.'

I follow Makarov to his office where he sits down behind his desk and offers me to sit in front of him. Sitting down, I start look at what he has in his office. I see lot's of folders, papers scattered about, books, and some pictures as well. To my surprise, I see a picture of my mother on the wall behind him. A small tear makes its way down my cheek as I remember the night my parent's told me to run. Shaking off the thoughts, I look at Makarov and see that he is sitting there with his head in his hands. After a few seconds of silence he starts to talk.

Makarov: "I'm so sorry Y/N for how they behaved. They should not have been like that at all. I hope you can forgive me."

Y/N: *writing* Of course I can forgive you. You did nothing wrong.

Makarov gains a small smile when he read what I written down.

Makarov: "Thank you, Y/N."

We sit in silence for a bit before he gives me the guild stamp on my right forearm with white as its color. Makarov looks at the stamp before gaining a confused look. I look at my guild mark as I see it changing from white to black with a blood red dragon head in the middle. Makarov looks at me with wide eyes while I just look at the mark and shrug. I guess the guild mark didn't want to be colored white. Makarov chuckles a bit from my reaction before going back to sitting in silence for a few minutes. While sitting there, I can hear the guild members talking back on the ground floor.

???1: "I don't trust that kid, he gives off a deathly aura."

???2: "I agree, that kid has something he's hiding. I don't know why gramps would let him into the guild."

???3: "Well if we are able to sense it, then that means master did as well. Why should we push him away without even talking to him."

???4: "Let's not forget how he solved that puzzle while mumbling something no one could hear. It's like he's not even human."

???3: "How can you say that about him?! You know what, I'm going to talk to him the next time we see him."

???5: "You will not do such a thing Lisanna! I forbid you to go near him."

Lisanna: "I don't care what you say Mira! I'm not just going to push someone away just because their different!"

Y/N: 'I don't know who this Lisanna is, nor what she looks like. But, she seems to be more trust worthy than anyone else besides Makarov.'

Steeling my nerves, I prepare for the worst as I head out of Makarov's office. Not before writing thank you on the notepad he gave. Walking down the steps, I see everyone staring at me quietly. I sigh as I quietly make my way down the stairs and find a nice corner to sit in. I pull out my papers from my bag that have some math problems for me to solve. I set them down on the table and start solving them, hoping to ignore all the glares and awkward stares I'm getting from the rest of the guild. I suddenly hear footsteps heading my way. I look up to see a small girl with short white hair, blue eyes, and a big smile  as she stops next to me.

Lisanna: "Hi! My name's Lisanna Strauss. What's yours?" *Sticks hand out for a hand shake*

Y/N: *writing* I'm Y/N Dragneel. *waves*

Lisanna: "Dragneel? That's Natsu's last name as well. Do you two know each other?"

Y/N: *writing* Whose Natsu?

Lisanna: "Oh, he's the kid with spiky salmon colored hair."

Y/N: *shrugs* *writing* Sorry I don't know him.

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover: Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now