Makarov: You know, not many people can solve that puzzle you have there. Seeing how you solved it in such a short time, I'd say you are very bright for your age.

Y/N: *embarrassed* *writing* Thanks.

Makarov: You're welcome. I'm proud to have you join the guild. I know you'll do well there.

After hearing what Makarov said, I started to think about what Elementium said to me. I grow a small smile in remembrance and wipe away a couple stray tears that formed at the thought of him. I keep my small smile and continue scrambling and solving the cube all the way to the guild.

Y/N: 'Maybe he isn't such a bad person after all. It'll take a while to fully trust him, but for now, I think I'll try talking to only him. Dad always told me that I can't just use a pen and paper forever.'

We arrive at the guild in a few minutes, and I see a very large building with huge doors in the front. Above it has what I am assuming to be the guild symbol and the name "Fairytail" written for everyone to see. Makarov looks at me with a smile and nods his head as if he is saying "ready?" Quickly composing myself, I nod my head back. He opens the doors and I see........ fighting?

???1: Who threw that chair?!

???2: What are you talking about flame brain, can't take a chair to the face like a man?

???1: You wanna fight ice queen?!

???2: Bring it on squinty eyes!

???3: Will you two stop fighting?!

???1/???2: YES MAM!!!

I am so confused as to what's happening. From the salmon haired and raven haired boy fighting, to the white and redheaded girls strangling each other I couldn't understand how this was a family. Makarov coughs a bit into his hand, and it seems to calm down more. Having gone quiet finally, Makarov then speaks to the guild.

Makarov: I'm back everyone! And I have a new guild member for us as well!

He then pushes me forward a bit so they can see me clearly. I grew nervous under their stares as I felt my heart rate increase again and my hands start to shake. My eyes darted everywhere across the room. If someone made a small movement, I would immediately look over. Unconsciously, I started messing around with the cube in my hand performing algorithms to move pieces around. I was getting more and more nervous as the silence still continued. I started to recite pi to myself under my breath to try and calm myself down.

Y/N: *Barely a whisper* "3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317"

I continued to repeat these digits over and over again until I finally calmed down. However, right when I though all was going to get better someone spoke.

Random Guild member: "What's up with the guy? He's just standing there moving his mouth without making a sound like he's schizophrenic."

Random Guild member 2: "I feel something off about the kid. I don't think I can trust him."

Everyone else started mumbling things along the same line. I feel as if I got stabbed through the chest with cyclone knife with every statement made. I'm barely holding back tears when I look over to Makarov and see him with a disappointed and mildly angry look.

Makarov: "QUIET!!!" *everyone falls silent* "I don't care what you guys may think. This boy is family to us, and we will all treat him as we would any other member of our family. So what if he's a bit 'quirky.' He's not any weirder than all of your antics. I'm disappointed in all of you. Come on Y/N, lets talk in my office." *walks towards the stairs*

Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover: Male Reader x Erza ScarletWhere stories live. Discover now