Chapter 26: He Is Marked For Marriage

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In a princable rarely agreed, by the hand of a revolution scarcely seen, with a move so controversial it had been cause for protest by many: Naru found himself placed onto a common Uchiha patrol team, comprised of four members including himself. The captain was a man of known skill in Bou, alongside him with equal talent in ranged proficiency -equipped with a bow and multitude of arrows was Maji. A woman Naruto had not met until now, whom spent most of her time on the practise field and was contrived as a renowned hunter for the clan. Nearby was the called upon genjutsu expert, though she had the most vacant of dispositions: here stood Naori, with near no expression of care placed in or upon her.

Naruto had been told by Madara several repetitive times, his role was in ninjutsu, keeping distance alongside Maji and practise in the use of his fans.Of the sake of support and minimalistic defense. While the lack of faith put into his own ability had driven him close to yelling profanities at his dear husband, the caution displayed was understandable. Therefore, the blond Uchiha had refrained from the action of provoked irritation. Despite the obvious issue Madara had developed with his want for freedom of all alike him. At least in compliance, perhaps even a limited understanding to the plight faced by all Omega within the clan. After all, Naru had discovered there did inlay an empathy much hidden within the man.

From what he had heard by Bou, Wakaba was a strong support of traditional beliefs, that is; the system already implemented. In reckoning, he would be forced to change the manner of thought brought upon by centuries of conduct. Not only to her, but to many of his fellows within the clan. A challenge, made more difficult by the simple want to keep order as it remained, for it had not incurred the wrath as of yet. However, Naru knew well, people were envious in nature, should the status-quo remain, an eventual distance would break free, that, one without regulatory oversight.

"Naru-sama, are you prepared to set out?" Bou asked in a skeptical, likely unprepared manner, it was expected by a certain standard. Though the Matriarch had hoped for a more receptive welcoming to his accompaniment.

"Hai! Are you ready Bou-san?" It was a rather cruel turn around, but as a former- rejoining shinobi, Naruto couldn't help the slight insult brought upon by the question. Although, he would state rather openly, he was uncomfortable with the present attire he wore. Due to standard for those of his kinship, indeed as an Uchiha patrol member: he had been 'gifted,' with the traditional navy robe all Alpha's within the clan wore.

In theory it had the same contorts as a common jounin uniform. Though the make was far less comforting, it was heavy in fabric for travel -therefore thick,- long for better coverage, slightly water resistant, and the torso remained perpetually itchy. The largest issue he had being the high collar, Naruto had the irritating emotional inclination that he was attempting to copy Sasuke. An appearance he had never wished to bare, with stark exceptions.

Madara had also been irate at the outfit presented, stating with an odd hidden face 'do attempt to wear this in a minimalistic fashion.' Which lead Naru to the hilarious conclusion his husband had been embarrassed by the statement. The conversation had hence ended with the large male walking to the kitchen in a place of humiliation, while his bride had laughed outwardly at the expression he had bore, clenching his gut in the fit of amusement so made.

Neither had made apology despite the circumstance, and that, Naru admitted easily, was due in part because of their equal stubbornest nature. A backing of wills was practically a declaration of defeat; both being proud shinobi made that an option not available to either. By manner of their personalities it had been left open and sore, though this was an outcome unwanted by either in consideration of their present ordeal. Naruto had decided however, he would be the last to fold under the pressure of dangerous circumstances; and was currently awaiting Madara to show and give reluctant apology for the sexisim displayed in his statement. Hopefully with an appearance likened to that of an academy student admitting a wrong to the teacher, with bashful expression and innocent visage. Both for an amusement procured, and the confrontation he would therefore face before his subordinates, giving a humility to his reputation as a fearful clan leader.

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