Chapter 5: Sunrise

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Disclaimer: I own nothing and no one.

Warnings: Future Gore, Future Depression, Possible Triggers, and romance. Also in the beginning of this book Naruto is 16, and the romance starts when he is 16, it is possible that mature content -I'm sure you are aware of what I am insinuating- will happen at this age, please bare in mind that in my country (Canada) the legal age of consent is 16. Thank you.

Note: Sorry for the short chapter, but I needed to get this posted.

He had always been the type to try and suffocate silence. As it always seemed to permeate his life, noise was a requirement that had become a crutch to lean on for so long now that being in that dreaded silence again was near torturous. When he entered the academy, he had filled that silence with yelling and anger, or loud boasting, anything he could to fill the oppressing silence that lay over him as his very own skin. At sixteen he hadn't abandoned such feeling or notion, however, he could keep his peace if needed as his loneliness had wanned after time so had the suffocation the silent days brought.

At the present time if he said anything remotely loud or boisterous, there was a cloud looming over him convincing his mind that; indeed, if he dared with such action, his head rolling on the dirt ground would be the tragic result. The silence around them however, was unbearable, even if he knew to hold his tongue it didn't make the entire situation any less uncomfortable for him.

When he had first been brought to the place he had been impressed by the smooth mixture of opulence that one would expect of a high member of society, and a simplicity that told of a strong desire for life without calamity. Smooth paper doors, with a clean look to them, and what looked to be new wood flooring and wood paneled walls. The water for what appeared to be a sink -though Naruto wasn't sure if that was its name at this point in time- was run through what looked to be a hardened curved piece of stone, and into a stone bowl lain on an entirely wooden countertop.

He himself was on the walkway just between the two houses, staring at the sunset. It was a gracious view from the cliffside and though he had seen it many times before, the sight of the sun setting on the new rooftops now, in this newly forged Konoha was a sight that took his breath away.

So he sat gazing, even as his heart beat faster in his turmoil of loneliness he relished in the feeling of the last of the sun's rays upon his skin.

Despite everything that was piling up at his feet, and the fear coiling ever fast around his heart. He found himself humming a lightened tune, almost as if in retaliation against circumstance herself. The gentle breeze was warm tonight, he was glad that summer had sprung already, he hated the cold -or was that snow itself?- Resting his head upon the wooden post behind him, he stared down at Konoha, humming lightly. He didn't know what would happen, and it was a horrible feeling to have, but at the present time, he didn't care to think on it.

In the corner of his eye, he saw movement, a hazy blue clothed figure. Following his eyes he saw the other sit down on the walkway just as he had, and was mildly surprised by the sight of Madara sitting before him seemingly enjoying the sunset along with him.

Sure the man had a terrifying chakra, cold and malevolent, yet it didn't unnerve him now as it had when he had first seen the man. In fact, the aura that the other man gave off was rather relaxing, all things considered, it felt familiar. He was no fool, he knew his chakra was influenced by Kyuubi's own, so perhaps he felt more comfortable near the other man now because of that?

Then something struck his mind, which made him ponder.

"Tobirama said he doesn't trust me." He hadn't meant to speak, and to spare himself looked away: embarrassed. He saw Madara's gaze fixate upon him. Accidental or not, it may be prudent to continue his train of thought now that he had spoken, Madara didn't seem like the kind of man to take kindly to half-spoken sentences. "He say's it was because of my Chakra, or rather its dark nature, but doesn't that mean he doesn't trust you?" Flinching back, he expected retaliation from that question, it wasn't exactly a polite thing to ask. What he got however, was a calm chuckle and a reverent sigh. Turning back towards the other man he felt the flush in his cheeks as he realized the other was still looking at him, and with an -almost- softened expression -something he was unfamiliar with in general- not to mention he hadn't actually expected the other man to still be looking his way.

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