Chapter 25: Hyacinth and Freedom

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They were making a slowed pace of kind natured comradance."Naru-san, I regret to ask: you are a shinobi yes?" So Hashirama brought a conversation Naru anticipated him to have wanted to bring for many weeks. Expectant or not, Naruto felt a pause befall him then, in lack of available response.

"Should I remain one. Though I know not my truth in regard unto such a question." Spared was a moment of pride for his structure of sentence. A regarded prayer of honour unto Kou for the lessons provided.

A turn of consciousness from melancholy upon the consideration of passed friendships. Putting his thoughts unto Shikamaru in his appearance of a tree of pine -fern-, or Sakura in her manner of persona, demeanour inherent to a woman holding in compassion. Kou, of his kindness; Naori had found herself a bride in beauty, and of wilful benevolence.

Naru near offered sympathies unto Madara for the fate bestowed unto him. For his perceived lacking.

Regaining to himself once more upon remembering the company among them. Retaining, a focus to the question he'd answered in lack of knowledge. Now, in consideration further made, he alternated his perception into one of coherence.

"Why ask?" Odd for one whom knew the truth of Uchiha Omega to give out such a question unto one. Naru for all fault he had with retention, knew that Hashirama was not, nor could not, be a man of foolish tydings.

"Well, because I know were I in your place- my mind, indeed my body, could not submit unto the life of a man held by the home. My attention is to the battlefield, I should imagine the same truth holds for you." For him that made a moment of blackened mind, uncomprehending what was said and forcing oneself into an understanding non-existent. Once more withheld by his own manner of speech which was descendant from a time of simplicity. Then the meaning reached him, and a moment took him in complete nostalgia. Moreso, as a want for what he could no longer experience.

In a plunging of traditionalist considerations, a spell of courage came upon him. That is, it made place as a seed of something he could not name. A simple question may have planted the ideal, regardless it became a plan within his newly invigorated mind. Not having realized he'd become subservient alongside commonly made notions. The strategy of confrontation involving only his husband.

"Hashi-" he forced a retainment onto himself, recalling they were now more then mere acquaintances of circumstance. "Hashi, I just had an awesome idea!" Even with previous restraint so well displayed, his pattern of self enthusiasm returned and his wording suffered the repercussions. Decorum lost in addition, throwing his arms upwards, and thus, having been linked appropriately with Madara's his left near flew into hitting the Patriarch straight on the mouth. Cutting the Uchiha's inner lip, and drawing the metallic of blood. Light as a droplet upon naruto's finger, and smearing outwards onto Madara's lip.

Ironic given with the idea Naru had obtained.

Within proper Uchiha Omega form; he did fuss over the wound caused by his lack of conduct. In further luck, the Hokage travelling in calm pace beside his old friend and fellow Omega began laughing heartily to the odd display his companions made in tandem.

However, despite the warm atmosphere about, a chill fell over the lively man of nature. Forcing onto him a depression in his aura not uncommon, but displaced by the previous good disposition. Inlaying in eyes of earth and depth of emotion came wetness, as dampened soil. Spanning the time of a blade's sweep, none but Naruto in brief glance saw the weakness appear. His skill set of empathy holding in strength for the moment seen, giving him a concern unescapable.

Idea forgone, he swept in an elegance not usually brought forth to his friend's side. A smile decorating his eyes but not his lips, drawn by gravity of the situational awareness into a frown of worry. Then, he turned in the most simplistic of motions to look direct within his husband's blinking stare: "I am going to steal Hashirama for a moment, don't wait for us." Thus, he did so, grasping onto a muscle widened wrist and dragging lightly along the man confused by a sudden abduction unneeded.

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