"I have the full autopsy report for you," Gordon said, closing the door behind him "and Garcia wants to know what you'd like for him to do now."

"Having but briefly known the Lieutenant, I very much doubt that's how he phrased it."

"No." Gordon grinned churlishly. "I don't really want to repeat what he actually said, though."

"Inarguably a testament to his thorough use of the English language." Quinn managed to smirk back, even the muscles in his face stiff from the hours of immobility. "Tell him he can go home, for now."

"Sure. His notes are also here. They're a bit difficult to read." Gordon observed, squinting as he tried to make out the Lieutenant's shorthand.

"Thanks." Quinn mumbled, taking the thin file from Gordon's outstretched hand, positive Garcia had intentionally written illegibly to aggravate him. "This will be fun."

"You look horrible." Gordon laughed, seeing the determined look on his boss' disgruntled face.

"Judging from the simple fact that I've been unceremoniously dumped in this hovel," Quinn turned up his nose an exceptionally unsteady pile of documents as it leaned precariously close to him, "I am very much getting under Ellis' skin."

Gordon chuckled. "You won't let her get the best of you. You never do." He winked reassuringly.

"Ah, now that is where you are sorely mistaken, my friend. You assume I have a 'best' and that I'll be a biddable lad." Quinn grinned broadly. "On the contrary, I intend to misbehave, particularly in the form of reconnoitering." He stated mischievously.

"What, you're going to snoop?" Gordon looked taken aback.

"I prefer the term 'infiltrate'." Quinn's lips turned slightly at the corners; tone sardonic. "I need to have enough suspicion, beyond a reasonable doubt, to request a warrant."

"That clears thing up. What if you don't find anything?"

"Oh, I'm sure I can pry something up."

"Don't get caught." Gordon warned, raising his brows.

"I haven't yet done anything. I'm awaiting the opportune moment."

Gordon snorted. "Right, but you will. I never knew you to wait for anything."

"I don't." Quinn said observingly. "I think it's time we play a little hard ball."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"You were an excellent pitcher before I convinced you to join the Bureau, if my memory serves." Quinn eyes glinted maniacally. "Let's make things move a bit hastier. Throw a fast pitch in Ms. Ellis' direction."

Gordon grinned. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my reputation. What did you have in mind?"

"I need Winters to hack into the video feeds on the rig. Set him up in an obscure office somewhere; you and Stubbs stay out monitoring the movements of every living soul. Have Shepp scour the database for anything and everything on this woman: tax statements, bank accounts, business investments, foreign assets, family ties, property ownings, and stock holdings. Get medical records for Christ sake! I want to know where she took a shit Tuesday of last week and what she ate the meal before that. Get with Lieutenant Garcia, see if he can spare some officers. I want this damn mess under control."

Gordon noticed the indomitable gleam in Quinn's eyes.

"Why, sir, I've never heard you swear." He teased gently.

Quinn growled. "No, you haven't. She brings out the worst in me, I'm superbly ashamed to admit. Ms. Ellis has unwittingly armed a very powerful nemesis." He scathed.

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