The vans themselves were inconspicuous, but even so, chances were good that they wouldn't be just sitting outside wherever they'd gone to. Therefore, the mystery building must have garages, and a loading dock where they could unload the carcass. This left her with just one building, hopefully, that fit the profile.

The result of that realization was a very slow, agonizing jeep ride, with George muttering incoherently every few minutes and Robyn shushing him nervously.

The beach houses were haunting silhouettes in the dim light of the moon, and as she navigated the car through the back streets toward her destination, they left the beach front and were met with the sight of small, unkempt houses in demure rows.

Eventually, the jeep coasted to a silent stop and Robyn turned off the motor.

"What are we doing here?" George asked, bewildered. Several familiar buildings glowed in the blackness, their glass facades twinkling as colored spotlights illuminated their smooth, triangular surfaces.

Robyn hadn't exactly told him where they were going. "I'm pretty sure this is where Quinn took that dolphin."

"I thought we were going to get drinks!"

"We will." Robyn shrugged indifferently. "After."

"What? You aren't serious!"

Robyn rolled her eyes at the incredulous look on his face. "George, I'm dead serious. This situation with Quinn outright sucks. You know this isn't right."

"No, you're right," George hissed, "breaking and entering is illegal."

"We won't break anything." Robyn's voiced pitched as she forced an encouraging smile. "There's a state-of-the-art lab in there. We need what's in it."

"I know that." George scowled; eyes narrowed in disbelief. "But burglary?"

"Coming?" The Cheshire smile widened.

He sighed at her overly sugary chirp. "I guess, as long as you stop grimacing like that." He grumbled.

Robyn frowned. "Gee, thanks for the support."

"Are you sure they're here?" George squeaked. He blushed and cleared his throat, shaking the mousy hair from his eyes.

"I'm positive." She inhaled deeply and let the breath out slowly, attempting to ease her nerves. "It's now or never."

As she got out of the jeep, she thought she heard George say 'I'll go with never'.

"Hey, wait!" He called, trying to extricate himself from his seat belt. "How are we going to-hey, wait!"

Robyn strode ahead confidently, resolution coursing through her.

"You can't just walk right in!" George called, huffing behind her as he caught up in a trot.

"Shh." Robyn hissed. "Don't be so loud. That is exactly what we are going to do."

"But what if someone sees us?" George stammered.


"Oh, wonderful advice." He panted sarcastically. "How do we get in?"

"Ah." Robyn blushed. "I have that part of the plan covered."

George narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "What did you do?"

"Oh, nothing really." She didn't look him in the eye, however, and when she didn't elaborate, he gave her the most disapproving of looks. "Fine. I borrowed Professor Lancastor's badge and made a duplicate."

"You what?" He leaped back in alarm.

"Don't judge me." She snapped. "We needed in."

"Of course, but all the doctoral candidates have access to these facilities. You don't have one?"

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