About my AroAce-ness

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Because I definitely didn't talk about where I fall in an earlier chapter, so I'll just talk about it here XD

Are You Out?

Only to three friends—one of them was by accident, but that's another story. They were rather accepting and didn't question anything. One of them draws me Asexual stuff

Do You Question Yourself At All?

All the time. I'm always worried that I'll end up falling for someone, and then having to go back on what I said. Or that I just can't tell if I'm crushing on someone, or that I just can't tell the difference between loving and fearing—because I've made that mistake before

How Did You Come Out?

To the first two, well, I was at one's house and calling the other one. I'll just call the one of the phone A, and the other B. A told us they wanted to tell us something. They basically came out, and I reassured them that I was ace (not knowing of Aromantic at the time), with B making sure that A wasn't thinking we didn't accept them. Basically, we both came out together. And with the third one—as I said, that's a story about me being stupid for another time.

How Do You Feel About All the Romance & Hyper-Sexualized-ness?

Typically, ships in Okay with. I love shipping fictional characters, and it's pretty standard. But I can't do romance books. When it gets too descriptive, it makes me really uncomfortable. Even if they're just holding hands, or kissing. I find it really unnecessary. But that's just my opinion

Know Anyone Else Aro and/or Ace?

Not in person, no. Apparently, only about 1% of the world is ace, and 1/4 of that is Aromantic. I've met plenty of people online—perhaps some of you reading this—that was one or the other, or even both

That's all! I just wanted to let out my feelings, since this is definitely stress-relieving to write it down & publish

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