My Mask

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Life is a dance
Two steps forward one step back
An informal masquerade
Everyone playing charades yet
No one Is guessing
Maybe that's my problem
Or maybe
My mask is too realistic I understand
I fool myself too
A plaster porcelain smile with bright eyes
So lively and vibrant
Covering up all of the lies Of the past
But I won't stop wearing it
Thrashed and harassed, soul trashed
My mask remained uncracked
And I'll keep it that way

I don't need anyone to know I'm vulnerable
Weak and uncomfortable
In my own skin
No one needs to see
The numbness in my dull eyes with tears
When a painful memory appears
So I'll keep my mask on

I'd rather break In secrecy
So others can live fearlessly

Or maybe
My overbearing mask I carry
Is just me convincing myself
That I am just as strong and optimistic
As my mask is unrealistic

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