A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl {RM x reader}

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      You were walking home from work one evening. It was about 8:30 pm and it was pouring down rain. You had no umbrella, you were cold, you were soaked, and you were a bit pissed because you had just gotten fired for another employees mistake. You looked down at the sidewalk, your (h/l) (h/c) hair falling in your face and your usually bright (e/c) orbs now dull with disappointment. Then suddenly, CRASH! You ran into something... Well more like someONE. You shook your head.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention and... " You were cut off by a hand being held out to you.

"Are you alright miss?" You heard a gentle voice say.

You took the hand held out to you and then something about him sparked a memory.

It was those dimples. Those damn dimples.

"Namjoon?" You asked.

"I beg your pardon? Do I know you?" You smiled at his forgetfulness.

"Its me. (Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n). We were best friends from kindergarten up through high school."

He stood there with a thoughtful look on his face for a moment then his eyes lit up.

"(Nickname)? Holy shit, (n/n) is that really you?!"

Suddenly you found yourself pressed against his (very toned) chest with his arms wrapped around your petite figure.

"Oh my god! What's it been, like, 2 years?"

"Yeah. Something like that." You giggled.

"Geez your soaked. Here let me walk you home."

You didn't object and began walking. Then you felt something warm being draped over your shoulders. You look down then looked over at Namjoon.

"No. You need this. Its cold." He put his hand up to stop you.

"You need it more than I do. I'll be ok."

You didn't argue. You made small talk until you got to your front door.

"Well this is me. Thanks for walking me home. Oh!"

You pulled out a pen and grabbed his wrist, scribbling your number on it.

"Here's my number."

He quickly took a glance at it then reached into his bag and pulled out a beautiful red rose.

"A beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." He said.

He handed you the rose and placed a quick kiss on your cheek.

"I'll see you later, beautiful." He said with a wide smile.

As he walked away you noticed you were still wearing his jacket.

"Namjoon-ah, your jacket!" You shouted over the rain.

"Hold on to it!" He shouted back and waved to you with out turning around.

"Call me! Handsome... " You called. Saying the last part under your breath before turning and walking inside.

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