Chapter 8: The Revelation

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Chapter 8: The Revelation

Minhyuk's Pov

It has been a week, and Eunbi has finally woken up. As i was about to enter her room, she silently looks outside window, probably in a deep thought.

"Hey~"I slowly saunter my way inside, as i carry a tray of food. She turn her head to me and smiled, "Hello~"

"You're breakfast is ready."I said, as i placed the bed table on her bed. "Thank you."I smiled, as i sat down at the edge of her the bed. "You seem to be in a deep thought. What you thinking?"I asked.

Before she could speak, she lets out a deep sigh. She tilt her head down, and said. "What if she's really my twin sister? How can i face her? What if she doesn't accept me? Those kinds of things just keeps circling inside my head."She exclaimed.

I grab her hand, and slowly caress it. "Everything will be alright. Okay? Things will be okay."I let out a smile, as i slowly pull her into an embrace, and caressing her hair, comforting her in every way.

Afternoon came, and Eunbi is peacefully asleep. I grab my phone and dialed Ian's number. Yes, i got his number 3days ago.


"Oh~, why did you call?"

"Eunbi's Auntie will be here in Seoul, in about 20-30minutes. I think we should know from her the truth."I said, as i look at Eunbi, sleeping.

"Okay. I'll be right there."

I hanged up as i let out a deep sigh. I'm doing this for you, Eunbi.


Dabin's Pov


Jaebom turn around in shock. "Why are you so shocked to see me?"I asked, as i cross my arms over my chest. "Sorry, Eunbi. I mean, Dabin!"

I lift my eyebrows up, and smirked. "And who the hell is Eunbi? Why did you call me that?"I asked. He seems so tense up, that i can see his whole body shaking.

"Hey?! Jaebom?! Are you being possessed or something? Are you have seizure or what?"I asked again.

"A-ani. No."I rolled my eyes and asked, "Btw, where did Ian go? He was here a minute ago."I asked.

"His M-om just called him, wanting to see him."I can smell something fishy going on. "Hmm. Okay then."

I went back to what i was doing, but i couldn't help but get suspicious. Something is really off. I let out a deep breathe, as i took a sip of my milktea, as i brush my long wavy hair.

Suddenly, my phone rang an unexpected caller. I grabbed my phone and answered it.


"GIRL?!"My ears exploded from Minjin's high pitch voice. So irritating.

"What the hell? I'm not deaf for you to yell like that!"I said, as i roll my eyes. "Mianhae! But, girl! I just saw Ian, at the hospital. He seems to be in a hurry."Upon hearing that, my eyes widened.


I hurriedly drove my way to the hospital. What the hell is he doing at the hospital? Is he sick? As i got to the hospital, i immediately parked my car on a parking space, and hurriedly step out of my car.

I ran my inside the hospital, looking for Ian. Where are you Ian?

Ian's Pov

As i got to the hospital lobby, Eunbi's Auntie was already there with Minhyuk. I sat down, tensed up but filled with questions, wanting to be answered.

"Auntie, this is Ian. He's Dabin's ex-boyfriend. He also wants to know the truth."Says Minhyuk. She lets out a deep sigh, and said. "I know this day will come. I know that, these two will be fated to meet."Minhyuk and I looks at each other, in surprised.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"Dabin and Eunbi are identical twin sisters."Upon hearing that, my eyes widened in surprised and my jaw hanged wide open.

"They we're seperated at the moment they we're born. We tried to get Dabin back, but she was already brought home by a married couple and they forbid us, to see her."She continued.

"But, how come they we're seperated? For what reason?"Minhyuk asked. "The doctor who helped, my sister give birth, was the Married Couple's friend, and they paid her a big amount of money, to take Dabin."She answered,leaving us in shock.

"Where's your sister now? Is she alive?"I asked. "No. She died, from a cancer. Their father, remarried a new woman and since then, i have no more connections with him. I decided to take care of Eunbi as my own daughter, as a promise to my sister."She said, with tears rolling down to her cheeks.

I let out a deep breathe, as i tilt my head down to the side, holding both of my hands together.

After the talk, we decided to walk back to Eunbi's room, only to be surprised by Dabin, who is standing infront of Eunbi, who is alseep.


The three of us look at each other in surprised. "I-ian, what is this? Is this a game?"She asked, as tears rolled down to her cheeks, her fist tightly closed in anger.


"Ian, who is she?!"She asked.

"You're gonna wake her up, Dabin! Relax!"I said.

"Lets talk outside, shall we?"Minhyuk said. "SHUT UP! Ian, tell me who is she?!"I sighed, as i look Minhyuk.


"She's you're twin sister!"Auntie answered. Dabin froze in place,as her eyes widened in shock. "S-sister? No! No! She can't be! I don't have a sister! No!!"She ran out of the room, in tears.

"Dabin?!"I followed outside the hospital, and said. "Dabin, listen to me."I said.

"What for?! I can't have a sister. No!"She said, as she furiously hit me in the chest. "I know its hard and confusing, but if you just calm down and relax, we can explain to you everything."I said.

"EXPLAIN WHAT?"She asked. "That i have a twin sister that you know all this time! That you have been hiding from me?! And how can i accept her? I don't need her. I don't need a sister! No!"She exclaimed furiously.

"He doesn't know everything, Dabin."


Author's Note:
—- hey guys! please vote and comment hehe :>

love, m

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