Delaney still screams and cries in my arms. She lays her head on my shoulder and gives her throat all she has. Poor thing already had a sore throat.

One by one, the paparazzi back away from us as ordered by security guards. Within minutes, we are free'd from that disaster.

Lexi looks at me with widened eyes and takes a seat in a chair near her. She leans back in it and breathes hard and her eyes shut while she tries to relax.

"I want restraining orders!" I yelled, more angrily than I've ever been. Three men with security walk over to me.

Before I snap at them for being late, one of them spoke, "They gave us the wrong gate number. We are so sorry."

The paparazzi still stand around, flashing their cameras at me. I glare at them in anger. "I want restraining orders!" I repeated. "I want them banned from LAX! My daughter is sick, my best friend is pregnant, and I am sick and tired of this!"

"We can get the jobs done." Another security guy said. "We can have that all worked out for you."

A few other security guards go over to the paparazzi and attempt to escort them out. They still keep their ignorant ways and snap photos as they're backed out and out of our view.

Delaney's whole body shakes against mine. I do my best to talk sweet words into her ears and rub her back. As I do so, many people around waiting for their planes are staring at me.

The security guards that are going to escort us out stand beside me. No one speaks for a few minutes but I hear people saying my name and I see them staring at me. I just want to go home.

"Are you ready?" The first guard asked and I nodded but didn't speak. I'm too pissed off to speak. They surround us and walk us through the airport.

After about ten minutes of getting stared at and talked about, we make it to my car. Delaney's crying hasn't stopped but it has simmered down. Her little sniffles break my heart as I sit her in her car seat.

Her nose and eyes are red and her cheeks are wet with her tears. My shoulder feels a little damp from them but I don't mind.

"It's okay baby." I said softy as I buckle her up. "We are going to be home really soon, okay?" She nodded and wiped her nose. Before I shut the door, I put the back of my hand on her forehead.

"You're still warm." I said worriedly. She doesn't understand much but she nods. I smile sadly and shut the door. I walk around and get in the drivers side.

Before I take off, I open my purse and grab out some cash. I pass it to Lexi who gives it to each of the security guards.

"Thank you very much, ma'am." One had said. I smiled my best and waved before driving away, leaving this terrible adventure at the airport behind.

By the time we get home, Lexi's head is against the window and she's sound a sleep. Delaney is asleep too, her head resting on the back of her car seat. I drive through the gate of my home and make sure it shuts before I drive up my drive way. I sigh a little when I've parked in front of my house.

It's so good to be home.

Deciding that I should carry in the suitcases first, I don't bother to wake up either of them. I just get out and walk to the trunk of my car. I stand and look around my neighborhood and smile. There is nothing like home. Nothing.

I open my trunk and lift it so it sits above my head. The sounds of this wakes up Delaney and she calls my name.

"Just stay there for a little, okay? I'm going to carry in the luggages and then I'll come and carry you." I explained to her and she said okay.

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