Chapter 30

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Ariana's POV:

I jump when I hear a car door slam and my eyes shoot open. Zayn's jaw comes into view until he looks down at me, noticing my reaction. He's carrying me in his arms. I tiredly stare up at him and watch his lips form words.

"Well good morning sunshine." He sends me a toothy grin. "I'm joking it's still evening. How are you feeling?"

I yawned and snuggled closer to Zayn as he walks us to somewhere that I don't really care about. I smile lazily, "I'm okay." He smiles and places me on my feet, causing me to pout.

I take in my surroundings and realize that we're on my front porch. Zayn said cheekily, "I can't open the doors with no hands." He referred to holding me. I roll my eyes and turn around to open the door. "Sassy babe."

I roll my eyes again at his low mutter and open the door. The door isn't locked and that makes my skin crawl but I'm assuming Zayn probably took in our daughter already.

When I walk into the living room, I smile at my sleeping daughter on the couch. I take a few steps until I'm beside her, still standing up, but caressing her cheek.

"Hey Zayn?" I turn around to see him only inches away from me. He raises his eyebrows with a smirk. "Do you know the time?"

"It's 8 o'clock." He Informed me. No wonder it's getting dark out. It takes like an hour to get to the meeting we went to and an hour back. That's probably why it's so late already. "Come here."

My heart stops when Zayn is no longer in front of me, but sitting on the opposite couch than Delaney. How did he leave without me noticing? I shake my head in disbelief and step over to Zayn.

He tugs at my wrists and when I'm closer, he grabs the area just below my bottom. I yelp in surprise as he pulls me onto his lap, a knee on each side of his waist. I'm now sitting on his waist lap- more awkwardly, his area.

"What time is the interview tomorrow?" I tried to make things (for me) less awkward by starting a conversation. I don't know why I am acting strange about this.

"Fuck that," He hissed, frightening me for a second. "Kiss me." His tone is almost beggingly and I can't help but forget my question and do as he said. With my hands on his chest, I lean down and connect my lips to his.

His hands find mine and he moves them off his chest, causing me to fall onto him. Our kiss doesn't break, not once. As I'm leaning on top of him, I feel his hands wonder over my hips and to my bottom.

I move my lips down his jaw and to his neck. He speaks to me as I kiss and suck on his sweet spot. "Baby," He somewhat moans every time I suck. His hands grip my bottom and push me more into his neck while I do my thing.

Another moan leaves his lips making my head spin. That was the most attractive thing I've ever heard. I bite into his neck causing him to moan so loudly, he might wake up Delaney. I know this is highly inappropriate to be doing in front of our daughter but she's asleep so I guess it's okay?

His hands move under the back of my shirt. I shiver from his cold touch and he quickly apologies while chuckling.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I yelped at the voice of Delaney and jumped backwards onto the ground, hitting my head on the coffee table. I moan in pain and roll over onto my stomach.

"Ariana!" Zayn shouted and I feel his hands on my waist, trying to help me up but I shove him away. I gasp for air, feeling like it was knocked out of me.

Delaney cried out in fear, "Mommy! Are ya okay?" Again, I feel Zayn's hands on me and this time I let him lift me up. I groan in pain from this headache coming on because of the fall.

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