Chapter 4

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Ariana's POV:

"Delaney, we're here." I cooed. I gently shake her and try to wake her up. It's 2pm and tonight are the VMAs. She fell asleep on the ride here.

I smile when her eyes open.

"We're here," I repeated. She moves some hair from her face and nods. I am amused that she is still wearing her pajamas but my mother has her nicer clothes for later on. Again, my mother came earlier to help out. She's too nice to not contribute.

"Okay, sweetie. It's going to be loud and crazy again." I mentioned. Her eyes widen and tears form.

"It's going to be alright. I'll help you put these ear plugs in." I said while placing them in her ear so she can't hear anything.

When the guards are ready outside my car, I get out and lift up Delaney. She holds onto me tightly and keeps her head on my shoulder. The way that her legs wrap around my waist doesn't bug me, it's actually quite comforting.

I keep one of my hands on her back and the other across her bum to keep her steady. Her whining fills my ears and I mentally groan. I thought those ear plugs would work.

We walk into the building and I go to let her down but she keeps a firm hold of me.

"No, hold me. Please mommy." She whispered. I guess she isn't that scared but just wants me to hold her.

"Okay," I agreed.

I carry her in my arms and down a long kinky hallway. When I hear those familiar voices behind me, I walk faster and into an elevator.

"C'mon cmon!" I yell at the doors. Just as the doors are about to shut, a foot holds it open and they walk in. All of them.. Including the asshole. And of course, they get to see me in sweatpants and no makeup.

"Hello," Liam greeted me.

"Um, hi." I said as I accidentally make eye contact with Zayn. His focus is stern and pissed. Probably from yanking my daughter out of his hands and from yelling at him all the time.

I rub a now sleeping Delaney's back and stand in this awkward silence. I can feel Zayn's gaze on me and I feel uncomfortable.

Actually, I can feel all of their gazes on me and it's making me nervous.

"She's a cutie," Blondie smiled. I smile a little and nod. Then I take a step back until my back hits the metal of the elevator.

"Did anyone even push a button?" Zayn asked, still staring at me. I mentally punch myself for not pushing one. I walk two feet and push the button to the floor where I am going. Then I step back and into my little corner.

"We're going to the same floor." Liam grins, warmly. I nod, awkwardly before looking over at Zayn, who is STILL staring at me.

"Would you stop staring at me?" I said a little harshly. To my surprise, he doesn't listen.

"Zayn!" Liam scowled at him but Zayn ignores him.

"You're an asshole." I remarked.

"How long did you think you could fool me, Cass?" He asked and my heart falls out of my chest, along with all of my other organs.

"I know Cass when I see her," He added.

"I'm not Cassandra, remember? I'm Ar-" I started but he cuts me off.

"Don't fucking start Cassandra! What the hell are you doing?" He shouted and all the guys are just standing there dumb founded.

"I'm Ariana!" I shouted, waking up my daughter. I rub her back to calm her a little. It's not fun to be woken up to screaming.

I have a child?! {z.m}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن