Chapter 35

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Ariana's POV:

I guess I didn't take Catherine's advice to heart yesterday because I was up late celebrating until 2am. No, no, we weren't clubbing- my daughter was with us, but we did go out for dinner and then come back to my place to chill.

Everyone left around 2am except for my daughter of course and surprisingly Zayn. He doesn't always sleep over anymore which is a bummer but most of the time it isn't his choice because he's been busy with One Direction.

"Baby?" Zayn called. I walk out of the bathroom, fully prepared for the day appearance wise.

"Uh hu?" I glanced at him as I walked to my closet to pick out some shoes. I'm wearing some high waisted shorts and a red skintight crop top. All I'm looking for is some converse.

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked and I glance over at him. He's playfully pouting and is sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Not right now." I said as I slip on my black converse. I do this quickly because I have to be in the studio soon.

"Why not?" He asked in a pouty tone. I look over at him as I walk to grab my purse from my end table.

"Because I'm busy." I said as I sling it over my shoulder. I grab my phone off the charger and place it in my pocket.

"Well okay then. Just don't come calling me when we are on tour complaining about wanting to kiss because I'll tell you you shouldn't have put this one off." He said stubbornly.

I roll my eyes at him. "Okay Zayn." I said and walk out the door and into the hallway. I peak in once more. "But I don't think I will be the one complaining about needing a kiss."

I leave him and jog down the stairs. I find Delaney sitting on the couch with an old episode of full house playing on the TV. Man, that show was always the best.

"Delaney, did you eat all of your breakfast?" I asked while looking at her. She looks over at me and nods. "Good, babe."

"Mommy, my shots hurt a little." She said in a soft tone.

"It will get better. This is a daily thing babe." I said and she gives me a look because I'm assuming that isn't what she wanted to hear. "Ask daddy for an ice pack when he gets down here."

"But I need it now." She said.

"Be patient, okay? Mommy has somewhere to be." I said to her and she grumbles.

"I want it now." She continued.

"I know, sweetie. Just wait." I said while giving her a look. She frowns even more at me.

"Now." She whined.

"Delaney Grace, I do not have time for this." I narrowed my eyes a little bit.

"I want an ice pack now!" She raised her voice.

"I have somewhere to be and you giving me attitude is not okay." I said. I could've gotten her a ice pack and left already but I'm not letting a 6 year old rule me.

"Laney, don't mind your mommy. She has places to be and she's busy." Zayn mocked me as we jogged down the stairs. I give him a glare.

"You don't have to mock me." I roll my eyes at him. "That was rude."

He scoffed. "Yeah well it was rude of you to blow off a kiss upstairs, too."

"What makes you think being rude to me would make me want to kiss you even more?" I asked curiously.

"I didn't. You just tick me off sometimes." He replied.

"Zayn, that was one kiss we didn't do! We kissed all last night." I reminded him. "You annoy me sometimes."

I have a child?! {z.m}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin