Chapter 24

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Ariana's POV:

"Stop it, leave me alone please!" I cried out. Why aren't there cops here yet? Why isn't anyone trying to help me? Screams are overwhelming me and I don't know what to do. The pain I am feeling is torturous and I know for a fact that I will have bruises and gashes all over my body. I hear a lot of threats and rude things screamed at me. I only hear a few words, one of them was cheater. Oh no. "Please- Please stop!"

"Why should we?!" A girl shouts from beside me. I immediately look at her with visible tears streaming down my cheeks. She's very pretty, I'm not going to lie. But her attitude and dark tone eliminates that.

"Because, you're hurting me!" I cried out and I get a roar of scoffs and snickers from everyone around me. I have never felt so humiliated for a reason I don't know of in my life.

"So? You hurt us too bitch!"

"Yeah, you fucking cheater!"

"You're ruining Perrie and Zayn's relationship!"

A girl behind me kicks my foot, causing my heel to snap in half. I stumble, nearly falling but I catch myself at the last second. Another roar of laughter fills my ears. "I'm not a cheater!"

My cry earns a kick in the shin. I yelp out and look down, noticing my bleeding womb. "Yes you are!"

"Don't lie we know you're fucking him!"

"What else is he doing at you're house all the time?!"

"He's Perrie's! Back off!"

"We aren't cheating, I promise." I said, desperately. "He is my friend!"

"With benefits!" A dry chuckle leaves the girls mouth who spoke the very first. She holds a stern glare and steps closer to me.

"We are nothing! He is a childhood friend, I swear!" I said, really wanting her to believe me so I can go home and rest my now extremely sore fragile body.

"You lying ugly bitch!" A stinging sensation slams against my cheek and I sob. This isn't fair! I feel her punch me in the stomach and a kick in the upper thigh.

"Hey! Leave her the fuck alone!" A girl who I don't know screams and everyone goes silent. "I swear to god if you all don't get your asses out of here and if you touch her one more time, you will regret it!"

"Why should we listen to you?"

"You should listen to her unless you want your asses put in jail!" A man yells from beside her. When I find where the yelling is coming from I see an old man and a women who looks about 25 who is probably his granddaughter.

"Shut up!" A girl said and laughs.

"I have a gun!" He holds his hands behind his back. Screams immediately fills my ears and within minutes, I am alone in the streets besides the two who are rushing towards me.

"Are you okay?!" The same man and women exclaim at the same time. Tears are still spilling down my cheeks but I nod.

"I know who you are!" The women gaped. "Wait- that doesn't matter right now. Do you need to go to the hospital?! You're bleeding and there are bruises everywhere."

"I'm okay." I lie. I'm honestly not okay at all but I don't want to be a burden on them.

"You need to go get checked out!" The man assured me. His hands lay by his sides and it gets me thinking that he was fibbing about having a gun. I smile a little at that.

"I'm fine really." I lied again, holding in my tears. I feel my hands sweating from the incident before and I realize I am still holding the bag of things I got for Delaney. Oh no!

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