𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 8

Start from the beginning

I glare at him, which he notices straightaway. "Don't talk about my friend like that."

"What are you going to do, drown me in your tears?" Darren asks.

What an asshole.

But before I can formulate a good comeback and put it into words, Fayne swoops in to save me. "I suggest you shut your mouth Dick or I'll shut you up and you don't want that, do you?"

He shakes his head and looks almost...scared? Why would a 6 foot something muscled guy be scared of Fayne? It just doesn't add up.

And yet Darren sits in silence.

"So," I begin after we all just sit in awkward silence for a bit," Do you come here often?" I ask Fayne without making direct eye contact. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Used to be our hangout spot."

Didn't Callie say that a friend showed her this place? It can't have been Fayne though...they only sat together during school for a bit and then Fayne left. I look towards my friend and find her staring at the table as if it were a book of some sorts. If only Callie paid as much attention to an actual book then she'd probably get perfect grades.

"Yeah, used to," The guy sitting next to Fayne says. All this time he hasn't said a word so I almost forgot he was sitting there. I examine him from the corner of my eye. He's got unruly chestnut brown hair, dimples and he's wearing a leather jacket similar to Fayne's. Come to think of it, so is Darren.

Aw cute, they come with attitude problems and matching outfits.

"What happened?" I ask.

The brown-haired guy looks at me and then at Fayne who is facing him. "Nothing," He mumbles.

I want to question him further but I spot the waitress with our food so I make a mental note to myself to eat first and investigate later. I have my priorities straight obviously.

"Here you are...oh," the waitress says as she puts the food down at the table and spots the people which have joined us since her last visit.

"Yo Jane we needa order," Darren says rudely.

"Uh...sure," She says awkwardly. I feel sorry for her, I bet she has to put up with assholes like this often.

"I'll get a double cheeseburger with no pickles and fries, get me a coke too," he says as Jane is frantically writing it down on her little notepad.

"Fayne?" She asks.

They know each other too? Everyone around me seems to know Fayne and yet I only met her a week ago. It's strange to think that I could have met her in a completely different circumstance. Would things have turned out different if I had? From what I gather, probably not much different.

"I'll get a chocolate milkshake and cinnamon curly fries," Fayne replies.

Jane nods and look towards the brown haired guy, "Caleb?"

So that's his name. I make a mental note of it, he seems the most reasonable out of the bunch.

"Buffalo wings please," Caleb says.

"Sure thing, I'll be back with your meals in a bit." And with that Jane walks away unnaturally quick and heads straight for the kitchen, passing a couple who look like they're needing more water. The guy tries waving her down but Jane ignores him.

"What was that about?" I ask.

"What was what?" Fayne asks.

"Um...that. Why did Jane just walk off in such a hurry and completely ignore that couple who was trying to wave her down?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Besides I don't own Jane, how should I know why she does things?" She snaps and looks away.

If I push her to talk, I know that I'll regret it later so I decide to keep shut for the time being. It's not like I can get Fayne to do anything, besides, I've got food to enjoy.

And I do enjoy it. The fries are probably the best fries I've ever had. They are crunchy and covered in a thin layer of a spicy batter of some sorts. I'm not usually a fan of spice but this is the perfect amount to get my senses going. As for the burger, it tastes so good and doesn't have an evident fast food taste like most diners. I love this place.

"You're cute when you eat." I look up from my feast and find Fayne staring at me and smiling.

I don't think I've seen her genuinely smile until now. The smile brings out her dimples and I can't help but melt at how beautiful she is.

Fuck...why do I have to feel this way?

Fayne is not a nice person. She called me a whore and has only been rude to me...well until now. But just because she called me cute and smiled at me doesn't mean I can trust her. For all I know this is one of the ways in which she draws me in only to hurt me worse. I can't let myself be this affected by someone who's so toxic.

Trusting her would be like walking straight into the lion's den.

If only I realised that sooner. 


Hey guys another chapter down! 

Please tell me what you think, I'm not entirely happy with my writing rn so I'm up for any suggestions. 

Please vote, I'd really appreciate it. 

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