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After dinner Sebastian walked his mom out while I started cleaning everything up. I was supposed to go back home tonight but we ended up having a late dinner and it was already so late, so I just texted Uncle Matt that I was staying here instead. It was going to be my first night staying in my own house, a house that I own.

"Do you need help?" Sebastian's voice filled the room as he walked up behind me, putting his arms around my waist. I snuggled closer to him, taking in his scent.

"No, I'm just finishing up." I put the last dish in the washer and turned around, facing him. "Is your mom gone?" I asked, putting my hands around his neck. He nodded in response, leaning in to trail soft kisses down my neck.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asked, pulling away and brushing the hair from my face. I sucked in my bottom lip between my teeth, scrunching my nose.

"Nah, I think I'd prefer to be alone tonight." I smirked, taking a step back. He raised an eyebrow, pulling me back by my waist. "Of course I do." I smiled and kissed him again before slipping away from him and walking upstairs to my room. I grabbed a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom, changing into shorts and one of Sebastian's shirts that I took from his house.

"Nice shirt." He grinned, pulling me down onto the bed with him. I giggled, scooting closer to him and trailing my fingers across his now bare chest. I loved the way my skin felt against his.

"Hey what did you want to tell me earlier? Before your mom came over?" I asked, looking up at him. I remember him trying to tell me something but I'm not sure what it was. His eyes clouded over and he turned over so he was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He had a strange look on his face but I couldn't tell what he was thinking, or feeling.

"Nothing, I- I forgot." He shrugged, glancing at me from the side. The look on his face told me he didn't forget. I wanted to ask him about it again but decided against it.

"I'm exhausted." I yawned, not pushing the topic further, closing my eyes as he tightened his hold on me. He didn't say anything else, just held me while I fell fast asleep in his arms.

"Hey stranger, we didn't see you all weekend!" Isabel said the moment I walked in the door. I smiled sheepishly, putting my bag down and hugging her.

"I missed you too." I grinned, pulling away. "Is Ken here? She texted me that she wanted to talk." I asked, looking up stairs. Isabel nodded and told me she was in her room. I walked upstairs to Kens room and knocked, leaning against the doorframe. Ken answered the door, her eyes puffy and nose red. I frowned and followed her in, shutting the door behind me.

"Ken what's wrong?" I asked, sitting down on her bed infront of her.

"Do you love him?" She hiccuped, whipping her eyes with a tissue. "Do you love Sebastian?"


"No, of course not!" I shook my head quickly, grabbing her hands. "Sweetie I don't love him, I don't even like him. Why would you think that?" 

"I saw you guys together, and you were with his parents. It was like- like it was a real relationship. It looked like you were falling for him." She whispered, not looking up at me. I couldn't tell her the truth, that I was in fact falling for him. As much as I wish she would tell me to go for it, to forget the plan and be happy with Sebastian, I know better. Ive known Kennedy my whole life and if theirs one thing she's good at it's holding a grudge. She would never forgive me.

"No, God no I'm just acting, Kennedy. I'm doing what you told me to do." I reassured her, pulling her closer to me. It broke my heart to see Kennedy like this. I hated seeing her so hurt. "I promise."

She sniffed and looked up at me through teary eyes, searching mine for any sign of a lie. "Does he love you?" She asked suddenly, sitting up straight sand whipping her nose with a tissue.
I frowned, tilting my head as I thought about her question. I had no idea exactly how Sebastian was feeling about me.

"I don't know, honestly. I don't think so, it's pretty soon. I can tell you for a fact he likes me, though. More than just for sex." I grinned, a little too big. Ken squealed, clapping her hands excitedly.

"I knew this was going to work!" She jumped up and rushed towards her desk, grabbing a small blue notebook and rushing over towards me with me. She opened it up to a certain page and shoved it into my lap, telling me to read her plan. "You're going to do it at Graduation! Dollys going to give the valedictorian speech and I already paid her off to call you into stage! When she does you're going to go up and announce to Sebastian that he lost at his own game. That he was part of a set up."

I looked up at her horrified. This was not how I was expecting to break the news. "Kennedy you're insane if you think I'm doing that." I spat, shutting the notebook and throwing it to the floor. "I'm going to do this how I decide, okay? I'm not embarrassing him in front of the whole school, in front of his parents, and on graduation day. It's bad enough I'm doing this in the first place, at least let him keep some sort of dignity." I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking out before she had a chance to object. Kennedy was heartless, I've seen her mean-girl side before, but this was different. This wasn't the same spill water in front of someone's desk so they'll fall type of revenge I was use to Ken doing. This was next level, boarder line psycho.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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