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"I'm going to kick your butt, Cole." I smirked at Sebastian. I tied my hair up in a high pony tail and he rolled his eyes, tossing the ball to Adam.

"In your dreams, Voy."

Sebastian, Adam, Brad, the girls and I were all playing a game of kickball at our schools baseball field. It was the girls against the boys and I was positive that we'd win. After all, we are the better species.

"Can you two stop flirting so we can play the game already?" Brad teased, fist-bumping Adam. I narrowed my eyes at them but walked towards the girls who were both smirking at me.

"Don't even." I warned and Holly stuck her tongue out at me. We all lined up and Sebastian rolled the ball towards Holly. She kicked it as far as she could and took off to 1st base, making it before Brad got back with the ball.

"Whoo! Thats my baby!" Adam cheered and the boys both gave him a look. He stopped and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Fucking hell." Sebastian shook his head, turning back around to roll the ball to Briana. The ball slowly rolled and she ran up kicking it with as much force as she could. The ball flew over everyone's head and way out onto the field. Briana and Holly ran, both making it to home base before Adam came back with the ball. Sebastian smirked at me as he began to roll the ball towards me. I gulped and ran forward kicking the ball towards the other side of the field. I ran to 1st base and then to 2nd safely. I turned and smirked at Sebastian, blowing him a kiss. I was really good at kickball, at every family reunion we always play a big game of kickball. Needless to say my team always wins.

We played kickball for atleast 2 hours before we finally stopped. My team won with 3 more homeruns than the boys team. Truth be told I think Adam let Holly win a few times. They're honestly so cute together, no matter what they both encourage and support each other with everything. I really admire their relationship.

"Winter lets go!" Briana called out to me from Hollys car. I ran over and got in the backseat quickly. We were all going to Lily's cafe to get lunch. The boys were paying since they lost the game.

"Hows things going with Brad?" Briana blushed and looked out the window shyly.

"Their good, he's so great."

"You guys are gross with your stupid relationships." I groaned, massaging my arm from when Adam threw the ball at me. It actually really hurt, theres probably going to be a bruise later.

"Okay and what about you and Sebastian?" Holly looked at me through the mirror.

"There is no me and Sebastian."

"Oh yeah right! You're so into Sebastian. You should just ask him out, I'm pretty sure he likes you too." Briana smirked from the passenger seat, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Ew stop!" I laughed, covering my eyes. It freaked me out when she did that with her eyebrows. The car came to a stop and I got out, walking into the cafe quickly. I wanted to see Lily, I haven't been back since I was here with Sebastian on Karaoke night. I walked to the counter and rung the bell, patiently waiting for Lily to come out. I heard the bell on the door and knew the others had just walked in. Lily walked out and grinned when she saw me, coming around to give me a hug.

"Oh sweetie! I've missed you. You need to come by more often!" She said as she pulled away from the hug.

"I've missed you too, and I will." I smiled, feeling at home. Lily always made everyone feel at home when she was around.

"Oh look, you've brought your boy again. Hello dear." She pulled Sebastian into a hug and he awkwardly hugged her back. I stopped myself from laughing at the nervousness in his eyes. We all ordered before walking to the couch and sitting down. I sat on the chair beside the couch because it was actually more comfortable.

"Are you going to try out for the soccer team?" Briana asked me. In middle school I played soccer all the time, it wasn't like a thing I wanted to do, it was just for fun. I love playing soccer but I wouldn't want to make a career out of it.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged.

"You play soccer?" Adam raised his eyebrows in surprise. I nodded and leaned back in my seat.

"You should try out, you'll totally make the team. I'll go to all your games and be your biggest fan, as always." Holly winked. I made a heart with my hands and she did the same. We use to do that all the time when I had a game, it was like our ritual. I looked over at Sebastian who was just on his phone. He looked bored and like he didn't want to be here.

"Do you play any sports, Sebastian?" I asked him, and he looked up at me annoyed.

"No." Was all he said before going back to his phone. I rolled my eyes at him and looked away. He's been so rude ever since we got back from the beach. Its like he suddenly hates me all over again. If it wasn't for the plan I would have already ditched his ass long ago. Nobody should get treated like crap, especially for no reason.

"You know what guys I think I'm just going to head home. I'm pretty tired." I muttered, suddenly not in the mood to be here. Sebastian was draining the happiness out of me.

"I drove us here." Holly said, holding up her keys. I forgot that I didn't drive here.

"I'll just walk, I don't live that far from here anyway. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." I smiled at them as I grabbed my bag and walked out, waving goodbye to Lily.

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