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Sebastians hand is on my thigh.

Sebastian other hand is on the steering wheel.

Sebastians hand is on my thigh.

Everyone knows that one of the most romantic things is when a guy puts his hand on your thigh while driving. Its an act of love and care, an act of passion. I stared at his hand silently. I wanted to take his hand off my thigh, but I also wanted to hold it as well.

"Are you okay?" Sebastian broke the silence as he drove. I glanced at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine." We finally pulled up to his house and I got out the truck, walking up his porch. "Are your parents home?" I asked him, looking up at the quiet house.

"Nah, they left for the week on business. My sister went with them." He unlocked the door and we both walked in. "Do you want to change?" He asked as we walked up the stairs. I nodded silently and followed him into his room. He handed me a shirt and a pair of his boxers.

"Thanks.." I mumbled, changing while he turned around. When I was done I crawled on his bed, making myself comfortable. He laid beside me, turning to face me.

"Why'd you run away?" He whispered suddenly, confusion evident in his eyes. "Did I do something?"

"No." I shook my head, scooting closer to him. My body was just working without my brain at this point. "You're perfect." He smiled and lifted his arm, tucking my hair behind my ear.



"Whatever happens, I just want you to know that tonight is real for me." I whispered, glancing down at his lips. Before thinking I leaned forward and connected our lips. He was surprised at first but recovered quickly. He rolled over so that he was ontop of me, kissing me back with just as much passion and lust as I held. His hand made his way down my body as he moved to my neck, sucking on my skin. I let out a moan as I arched my head to give him better access. He looked up at me and before he could even ask I nodded my head, granting him permission. His hand slipped under my shirt and grabbed ahole of the top of his boxers, pulling them down swiftly. He sat up and took his shirt off, along with his pants. I bit my lip as I watched him, every part of my body burning with desire. I wanted him, I needed him now. I took off my shirt and threw it to the ground, grabbing his neck and brining him back down, smashing my lips on his hungrily.

I flipped the pancake, a smile still on my lips as the memory of last name ran through my head. The way he touched my body, the way he moaned my name. It was all so intoxicating. I sighed longingly, turning the stove off and putting the plate of pancakes on the table before walking upstairs to wake Sebastian. I stopped when I heard his voice from inside the room. I peeked in to see him sitting on the bed, talking on the phone.

"What do you want, Adam?" I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. I hid behind the wall and listened in on his conversation.

"Nah bro, I'm done with her." I could hear footsteps, and then a door closing. I peeked in to see him walking back from his closet and sitting on the bed once again. "I don't need anyone else, Winter's enough." My heart melted as I heard his words. Suddenly he started laughing and threw his head back, his laughter shaking his body.

"I'm not whipped, man. I just know what I want, and thats Winter. I want her happy, with me."

Realization hit me as I remembered about the plan. My face fell and I suddenly felt like puking. I tiptoed away from the door and back downstairs. I grabbed my phone from the counter and texted Holly to pick me up down the street. I quietly snuck out the door and took off for the road in nothing but my bra and underwear and Sebastians shirt. I ran down the road until I was far enough away from Sebastians house. Tears were flowing freely and my heart was aching. I had no idea what to do. I couldn't let Kennedy down, not again. Not after what happened last time. But I love him- I love Sebastian with everything in my heart. I want him more than I've ever wanted anyone.

Sometimes we don't get what we want, though. Because I can't let Kennedy down again. I have to go through with this plan even if it breaks my heart, even if it breaks Sebastians.

I laid on Hollys bed, looking up at the ceiling with tears in my eyes. I had just got done telling her everything that happened with Sebastian and I. She was silent, just staring at the wall in front of her. I don't blame her, I didn't know what to say either. There wasn't really any words.

"Why don't you just tell Kennedy you can't go through with the plan?" Holly asked again, for the hundredth time. I sighed and sat up, leaning against her head board.

"Because I can't let Kennedy down, not again." I sighed, looking down at my hands. A tear fell down my cheek as my lips trembled. "When-when Ken and I were kids-" I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to tell her. "When Ken and I were kids we use to beg our fathers to let us walk to school." I smiled at the memory, "I remember one morning, we were walking to school and this van showed up. Kennedy told me to run, she tried to make me run, but I- I didn't. I wanted to stay, I wanted to talk to them." A sob escaped my lip as I remembered that day. "Instead of leaving me she stayed with me, even though she was scared." I looked up at Holly through blurry eyes. She scooted closer, putting her arm around me for support. "The men got out of the car and they grabbed her. I remember how she screamed at me for help, but instead of helping I ran away." My voice broke as I remembered the look on Kennedys face. The fear and betrayal that she felt showed through her eyes and the way she screamed my name. I can never forget that day.

"Oh sweetie, you were a kid. Theres nothing you could have done." Holly whispered, rubbing my head. "You shouldn't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault."

I shook my head, getting out of her grip. My body was shaking at this point. "No, it was my fault. I didn't help her. When I ran away, I didn't get help. I went to school, and I didn't say anything to anyone. I was too scared. When I got home and they asked where Kennedy was, I just went to my room. I didn't tell anyone. You know how they found out? She was dropped off later that night in a suitcase. They had beaten her and stuffed her in a suitcase. Thats my fault, I could have prevented that. I could have stopped it but I didn't. I was too scared, I was looking out for myself and I let her down." I looked at Holly, the tears had stopped flowing at this point. I just felt numb. "I am the only one to blame for this." I whispered, grabbing my bag and walking out of the room.

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