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"HE DID WHAT?" Holly screamed, looking at me with wide eyes. I bit my lip and nodded, grabbing a pillow from behind me and hugging it. "Oh my God! Thats so cute!" She squealed.

"Um possession is not cute, Holly. Its creepy. I mean, he threatened to kill the guy!" I rolled my eyes, secretly what happened the other night with Sebastian had been on my mind all week. Every time I thought of it my stomach felt funny for some reason. After that night he hasn't talked to me all week and he hasn't shown up to lunch, either. It was a little weird because usually Adam and Sebastian were always together, but now only Adam showed up to lunch. I knew Sebastian was at school because I saw him in classes, so it was obvious he was avoiding me.

"Oh come on, he was obviously not serious. And besides, atleast he didn't threaten to kill you." She winked playfully.

"You're so not funny." I grumbled, pushing her slightly.

"Winter you're so oblivious sometimes. He obviously likes you!"

"Thats good. It means the plans working and I can go home soon." I sighed, laying down on my back.

"Wait, you're leaving again?" The surprise in her voice was unmistakable. I sat up and looked at her in confusion. I've never gave anyone the impression that I was staying, so why is it coming as such a shock to her?

"Holly, LA is my home, I have to go back." I told her quietly. She nodded and looked away, clearing her throat.

"Well, I should go. Its getting late and we have school tomorrow." She muttered, getting off the bed and walking out. I rolled my eyes and curled into a ball under the covers, falling fast asleep.

I closed my locker and sighed, leaning against it. The halls were already crowded and I couldn't spot Holly or Briana anywhere. I wasn't feeling good and all I really wanted to do was go home and sleep, but my uncle would never let me skip school for nothing. My head was pounding and since I didnt get much sleep last night I knew today was going to be terrible. I reluctantly pulled my self off the locker as the bell rang and walked to first period, sitting in my usual seat in the back. I was waiting for Holly to walk in to ask if I could go to her place but she never came. The only person I knew in class was Sebastian, who had walked in right before the bell. He had hickeys covering his neck and for some reason it made my stomach feel uneasy. I blame it on the cramps. As soon as the teacher started talking I laid my head down, planning on getting some rest. Unfortunately for me I never could sleep while sitting up. I groaned and grabbed my bag, walking out of class without even telling the teacher where I was going. In my sleepy state I had accidently walked into someone. I immediately started to apologize when I realized who it was I had walked into.

"Mrs. Cole?" I stared at her with surprise written on my face. She smiled at me warmly as she helped me to my feet.

"Hello again, Winter. What are you doing out of class?" She asked, glancing around us. I bit my lip shyly and tucked my hands inside my sweater.

"I-i was going to nap in my car." I admitted guilty, finding it difficult to lie to her. She screamed power and I was almost 99% sure she could see my soul.

"Why on earth would you do that, sweetie? Why not just go home and sleep?" She raised her eyebrows, amusement clear on her face. She could tell I was intimidated by her.

"My uncle would have a cow." I mumbled, straightening my bag as it began to fall off my shoulder.

"Well then you can come and sleep at my house for a bit. We have a spare room you can sleep in." She offered, digging in her bag for something. I immediately began to shake my head and refuse but she stopped me by simply holding her hand up. Wow, she could make the ocean freeze. "I insist, you look awful honey, and I wouldn't want you to sleep in a car." She handed me a key and told me to just leave it on the kitchen table before I left. I awkwardly thanked her and walked out to my car. I decided that since nobody was at her house anyway I would go and sleep for 1 or 2 hours, after all she did offer. As I drove to the house I began thinking of Sebastian and what he would do if he found out I was at his house. He'd probably go crazy, honestly. He clearly has a hard time with controlling his anger. As soon as I got to the house I unlocked the door and walked inside, quietly walking to the kitchen and setting down the key. I walked upstairs to where Sebastians room was and opened the door next to it.  I had remembered that it was a spare room from the last time I'd been here. I walked into the room, leaving the door slightly ajar before crawling into the bed and snuggling under the covers. The beds here were so comfortable, I could live here. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.

I woke up by the sound of my phone going off. I groaned and tried to sit up but the moment I did a sharp pain shot through my body and I screamed loudly, clutching my head. The sound of footsteps came rushing through the walls until the door was flung open and Sebastian stood in the doorway with a look of worry on his face. He quickly rushed over and knelt infront of the bed.

"Winter? What are you doing here, and whats wrong?" He asked frantically.

"M-my he-head." I croaked out. Suddenly I felt something crawling up my throat and my eyes widned. I covered my mouth with my hand and sat up quickly, ignoring the pain shooting through my head, but it was too late. I had puked all over my shirt and Sebastians blankets, well his mothers blankets. Sebastian backed away quickly, running a hand through his hair as he stared at me hopelessly. He took off his now nasty shirt and threw it on the floor.  Tears began to fall from my eyes and a sob escaped my throat. I hated being sick, it always made me emotional. Whenever I get sick I can't be alone or I'll go crazy.

"I-im so-sorry." I sobbed, looking at the mess I'd made. Sebastian shook his head and walked back over, looking like he was holding vomit back himself. He grabbed a knife from his pocket and cut the shirt off of me before helping me out of the bed. I could barley stand, I had to lean on Sebastian. I knew I smelt gross, I had puke all over me, even in my hair. He picked me up and walked to the bathroom, setting me in the tub as he ran warm water. He helped me take off my pants so I was left in my bra and underwear. The whole time he never looked at me with lust, he only looked at me with concern. He was being gentle, sweet, and caring. Three things I never would have thought he was capable of. He washed my hair and body, not caring if he got wet in the process. When he was done he wrapped a towel around me and then brought me to his room, sitting me on his bed. My hair was dripping into the floor as he rummaged through his dresser, pulling out a shirt and a pair of boxers I could wear.

"Do you need me to help you, uh.." he scratched the back of his head, looking at me weirdly. I knew he was talking about my bra and underwear, about taking them off. I shook my head and he turned around while I took them off and quickly changed into his clothes.

"Thank you." I whispered and he turned back around slowly. He grabbed my clothes and walked out. My head was still pounding and I was really tired. Sebastian walked back in a few minutes later and handed me some Medicine and a bottle of ginger ale. When I handed it back to him he set it on his desk before helping me lay in bed. To my surprise he laid down next to me, bringing me closer to him.

"Are you alright?" He asked, looking down at me as I laid my head on his bare chest.

"I don't think so." I whispered back before closing my eyes. "Can you sing to me?" The silence in the room wasn't helping me sleep, it was actually doing the opposite. Sebastian started to sing the words to a song I didn't recognize and a small smile made its way onto my face.

"I was right." I whispered sleepily, "you do sing horribly." His chest vibrated as he chuckled and I sighed in content, falling asleep to the sound of his voice.

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