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And I like large parties. They're so intimate. At small parties there isn't any privacy.
-The great Gatsby.


I put one last barrett in my hair before smiling in content. It's not everyday that my hair works with me. I sighed and grabbed my bag and phone, rushing downstairs. I was already late so I didn't have time to eat. I walked into the kitchen and greeted everyone, grabbing an apple and running out the door to my car. I got in and sped down the road to the school.

"Wow, why are you in such a rush? Class doesn't start for another 5 minutes." Holly said, standing up from leaning on my locker. I sighed and grabbed my books, slamming my locker shut.

"I woke up late and I was scared I'd be late to class." I muttered, biting my apple. "Its been a week and I'm already so tired of going to first period." A week of school had already passed, and I was nowhere with Sebastian. He barley ever said one word to me, or even looked at me. 

"Hey so there's a party tonight, do you want to come?" Holly asked, biting her lip with a pleading look in her eyes.

"Sure." The bell rang and I began walking to the office.

"Where are you going? Class is this way."

"I'm not going to class, it's boring. I'll see you at lunch." I winked and walked in the office, greeting miss. Ann. I stayed in the office talking to her the whole period, and about 10 minutes before the bell rang the door opened and Sebastian walked in. Miss. Ann looked at me with a smirk.

"Yes, Mr. Cole?" She said, standing up from behind the desk.

"I need a pass to class." He grumbled, not looking up from his phone. His hair was messy and his shirt was inside out. There was also a hint of a bruise on his left eye.

"Looks like you had a rough morning." I joked. He looked up at me, his eyes narrowing.

"Why the fuck are you talking to me?" He snapped, rolling his eyes.

"I-im sorry." I mumbled, looking away.  He grabbed the pass and walked out just as the bell rang. "Someone's in a bad mood." I muttered, grabbing my bag and telling Miss. Ann bye. I walked to my next class, which I unfortunately had with Mr. Badboy. I walked into class and to the back, sitting in my usual seat. Sebastian walked in just as the bell rang, and walked to the back sitting in the seat next to mine. He put his head down and fell asleep, again.

"Mr. Cole wake up!" The teacher yelled, causing him to look up at her with a glare. "Good. Now class, we're pairing up today for a group assignment. The person next to you is your partner. The first one to finish the worksheet accurately doesn't get homework." The teacher handed out a worksheet to everyone.

"So, do you want to write or?" I asked Sebastian cautiously. He was clearly in a bad mood and I didn't want him to lash out at me.

"Sure, my handwritings better anyway." He muttered, a smirk on his face. I scoffed but handed him the paper. I hated writing anyway, and he was right my handwriting was terrible. I wrote too fast to read, but the teachers never complained so oh well. Everyone started working and I watched as Sebastian wrote down some information. He was actually really smart. I would have thought he was dumb, honestly, being a bad boy and all. "Are you going to fucking watch me do all the work or are you going to help?" He snapped, glaring at me. My eyes widened and I nodded my head, grabbing a text book. I almost forgot I had to help.

"So.. your friend Adam, is he seeing someone?" I asked, looking at him. I didn't actually care, I just wanted him to think I did.

"Why do you care?" He growled, looking at me as if I stole his puppy. Which if he had one I probably would. I shrugged and looked away, fighting a smile.

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