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Sometimes the greatest adventure is simply a conversation.
-Amadeus Wolfe


I walked downstairs to the kitchen to get a drink, bumping into Isobel in the process. She was in her night clothes, a look of exhaustion on her face.

"Sorry." I mumbled sleepily, yawning. We both walked into the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water and she walked to the medicine cabinet.

"Bloody hell," Isobel cursed, closing the cabinet. "Honey your uncle isn't feeling well, do you mind going to the store and fetching him some medicine?"

"Yeah, sure." I walked back upstairs and slipped on a white lace cardigan and some slippers before grabbing my keys and walking back downstairs. I walked out the house to my car, getting in and driving to the nearest market. Once I got there I walked inside, going straight to the medicine aisle.

"Okay are you fucking stalking me?" I knew that voice from anywhere. I turned around to face Sebastian. He had a box of tampons in his hands, along with some dark chocolate dove candies. Those were my favorite candies to eat when I was on my period, too. 

"This is a market.. everyone comes here." I mumbled, too tired to argue with him. "Are those for you?" I grinned, nodding towards the box. He rolled his eyes and stood beside me.

"They're for my sister. Hey um, what kind of.." He trailed off, looking at all the pill bottles. I smiled and shook my head, handing him the ones he needed. "These work the best for cramps."

"Do you always dress so revealing, or is it only when you know you're going to see me?" He teased, looking down at my black silk shorts and tank top. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my cardigan tighter around my body. I grabbed the medicine I needed and walked to the counter, paying for it before leaving the store.

"Hey, Winter!" Sebastian called, jogging towards me. "Will you give me a ride home? I kind of walked here and I don't want to walk back." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. I bit my lip to stop my self from smiling and nodded. He put his bags in the back seat and then got in the passenger side.

"Buckle up." I said, looking at him expectantly. He rolled his eyes and put his seat belt on. "Where do you live?" I asked, and he gave me the directions. He lived pretty close to the market.

"This is a nice jeep." He commented, looking around. I nodded in agreement. The song Good For You came on, and I grinned, turning it up.

"Let me show you how proud I am to be yours, leave this dress a mess on the floor. I just wanna look good for you, good for you." I sang along with the radio as I drove to Sebastians house.

"You have a nice voice, you know that?" Sebastian said when the song was over. I blushed and shook my head, he was lying. My voice sounds like a dying rat and I know it.

"Thank you, that's sweet." I smiled at him.

"So what's the deal with you and Brad? Are you guys a thing or something?" Sebastian grimaced, pulling a look of disgust. I laughed and shook my head no.

"We're just friends, he has a thing for Briana, I think." I had noticed that he's always touching her and smiling at her. The way he looks at her is so cute. A look of relief flushed over his face, but it was gone as soon as it had came. I frowned but looked away, not saying anything else. His facial expressions were none of my concern. We pulled up to his house, and my mouth dropped at the size of it. 

"Holy guacamole." I mumbled, staring up at it. Sebastians house was 5 times bigger than my uncles and Jack Riders put together. "How rich are you?" I gaped, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not rich, my parents are." He rolled his eyes, grabbing his bags. "Thanks for the ride, Cinderella." He winked and got out of the car, walking up to his house. I bit my lip and then got out, running towards him.

"Sebastian!" I called out to him and he turned around, raising his eyebrows at me. I held out the chocolates that had fell out of his bag, and he grabbed them from me, muttering a small thanks before he walked inside. I sighed and got in my jeep, driving back home.

"Winter, Winter wake up!" My body was being shaken, and I didn't like it. I rolled over quickly, glaring at Isobel. She smirked, raised her eyebrows. "There's someone at the door for you." She said, standing up straight. "Your uncle's giving him a hard time so if I were you I'd make it down there quick. Hes a hottie too." My eyes widened and I shot up, rushing down the steps. I ended up missing a step and I tumbled down, landing on the floor with a thud. Leave it to me to fall down the last few steps.

"Winter?" Sebastian pushed past my uncle and rushed over to me, kneeling down beside me. I groaned and sat up, looking down at my now scraped knee. Hopefully it wouldn't leave a scar. "Didn't I tell you to stop falling for me?" He joked, grinning at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed his leg causing him to fall back as well.

"Now who's falling for who?" I smirked, standing up and dusting off my pants.

"Um, hello? Who the hell is this and whys he at my house at 11 at night?" Uncle Matt glared at Sebastian.

"Uncle Matt this is Sebastian, my... We go to the same school." I shrugged, turning to Sebastian. "What are you doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms. He glanced at my uncle and Isobel awkwardly. I turned and raised my eyebrows at them, and Isobel smirked, dragging my uncle away.

"We can't just leave her with this boy!" My uncle Matt whined, but followed Isobel. I turned back to Sebastian and put my hands on my hips, waiting for an answer.

"Our pills got switched, so I just came to give you these." He mumbled, pulling out a bottle of pills from his jacket pocket. I took them and frowned.

"Thanks, I didn't even notice." I walked to the bathroom medicine cabinet and grabbed his, handing them to him. "Goodnight." I smiled as I walked him to the door. He nodded towards my uncle and Isobel who were spying around the corner, and walked out.

"That was Sebastian? As in the Sebastian Cole?" Isobel screeched, looking at me with wide eyes. I bit my lip and nodded. "Oh my god, if he falls in love with you fall in love with him back! He is a hot piece of meat!" My uncle Matt cleared his throat, and Isobel grinned sheepishly, wrapping her arm around his torso. "Of course he's not hotter than my sexy husband." She smiled up at him, kissing his cheek.

"Did I just hear Sebastian?" Kennedy asked, running down the stairs.

"Yeah, he came to give me uncle Matt pills, they somehow got mixed with his sister's at the store." I shrugged, tossing uncle Matt the pills. Kennedy rolled her eyes and went back upstairs. I walked to the kitchen and sat down, grabbing a banana. Isobel walked in to, sitting in front of me.

"So, I take it the plans working?" She asked, grabbing a banana as well.

"Hardly, he still acts like he hates me." I mumbled, leaning on my hand. Th
is plan was making me exhausted.

"Are you kidding? Did you see the way he pushed past your uncle when he saw you fall? He totally cares about you, Winter. Its all in the eyes."

"He was just being nice, it didn't mean anything." I shrugged, throwing my banana peel away and washing my hands.

"Wait, you're not seriously falling for him, are you?" Isobel asked, a look of concern on her face.

"What? No." I scoffed, crossing my arms. "I just don't want to assume he's already falling for me and then rush the plan. What if I was wrong and I just end up looking stupid?"

"Are you serious?" Uncle Matt walked in, a look of disapproval on his face. "You're going to look stupid either way. Doing all this, just to break his heart? What? Did you think you'd be some kind of hero that 'broke the bad boy'?"

"Matthew." Isobel warned, standing up and walking towards him. "Leave her alone, let her do what she thinks is right. Winters a smart girl, she knows what she's doing."

She's right, I am smart. But I still have no idea what I'm doing.

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