"Tell me why I got paired with the most disgusting and gayest dude in school?" Jungkook hears and feels a pang in his heart, but ignores it as he looks at Minjun, who is now sitting in front of him.

A couple heads glanced over as they heard what he said, but most of them looked away since this was Minjun they were hearing.

"C-Can we just start the project?" He mumbles, getting out some paper before a hand reached and crumpled it.

"You really think I'm going to help a guy like you? You have a disease Jeon." He says out loud and Jungkook freezes as his classmates look at him. "Like holy shit, even if I had that disease I wouldn't hang around or date you."

Minjun smiles to himself as he knew this was affecting the other, as he then continues with the one that hurt the most,

"And if I looked like you, I wouldn't even want to live." He mumbles and pats Jungkook on the back, "now, I hope you get that project done."

Jungkook could feel the stares from everyone and that's when he heard the screeching of a chair.

"Excuse fucking me?!" The one and only, Park Jimin screeches, "I couldn't hear you before but what you just said, fuck you!" He yells.

Minjun slowly turns and his face goes a bit red.

Jungkook did not want to see what went down as he stands up, walking out of the classroom.

Tears ran down his face as his bottom lip trembles.

Disgusting? Disease?

He then stumbles and covers his face, heading straight to Taehyung's classroom, slowly knocking on the door.

Mr. Jung answered and saw Jungkook's face, face etched with concern. "Jeon Jungkook..? Are you okay?"

Jungkook slowly shook his head and manages to mumble out the words,

"Can I see Taehyung for a moment p-please?"

Mr. Jung pauses and then nods. "Yes you may," he then closes the door and Jungkook hears Taehyung's name being called and then the door being opened again.

"Kookie..?" He whispers gently, walking towards him and judging by the silence, he immediately hugs him.

And that's when Jungkook cracked.

For almost 20 minutes, Jungkook's cries could be heard from inside the classroom, but no one questioned it. Taehyung could get really protective.

Speaking of Taehyung, he slowly lifted Jungkookie's chin up slowly, kissing some of his tears. Jungkook had calmed down a little and he stares up at him.

"Baby, can you tell Hyungie what happened?" He whispers gently, pulling him closer.

"Minjun.." he mumbles, laying his head in the older's shoulder.

Taehyung's eyes go a bit dark and he kisses Jungkook's head gently

"Honey, what did he say?"

Jungkook sniffles and basically melts into the other. "H-He told me I was disgusting..a-and that I h-had a disease b-because H-Hyungie and t-then.." he pauses and tears up again.

"He told me that if he looked like me, he wouldn't even want to live." He whispers so quietly, but Taehyung catches it and, let me tell you, does not look pleased.

"Aww baby.." he starts gently. "You are thee cutest person I've laid eyes on, and I wouldn't choose anybody else..you're my bunny, my baby, my lil' honey.." he pinches Jungkook's cheek sweetly. "And I love you with my whole heart."

Jungkook blushes lightly and then sees Minjun, at first wondering why he had a bruised lip (jimIniE), but then immediately hides behind Taehyung again.

Taehyung pouts but then looks behind him, and his eyes go dark again.

"Hey Minjun!" He yells, catching the other's attention. "Can I talk to you?" He whispers calmly, running his hands through Jungkook's hair gently.

"What're going to tell me? Tha-" he was interrupted by a hard fist to the jaw.

And, by the one and only, Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook's doe eyes go wide and he glances at Taehyung, blinking slowly.

But oh, Taehyung wasn't done.

"H-Hey w-" But Minjun didn't get to finish before another fist was in his face, harder than the first time. This time, the dude fell over.

"Don't you ever talk to my kookie like that again you fucking asshole." He almost growls in Minjun's face, but then looks at Jungkook, taking his hand.

"Come on baby, we should go home." He whispers softly, picking the other up.

Mr. Jung was watching the whole thing and he whistles, pretending like nothing happened as he walks Minjun to the nurse's office.

As Jungkook and Taehyung were walking home, Jungkook giggles.

"I think you gave him a black eye and a bruised jaw." He whispers.

Taehyung smiles his boxy smile as he carries Jungkook. "I hope I gave him two!"

Jungkook smiles "Thank you Taehyungie." He says softly, looking at the other.

Taehyung glances at him and kisses his nose.

"Don't worry Jungkookie, Taehyungie will always be here to protect you. I love you bunny."

"I love you too Hyungie."

Hope you guys liked reading this chapter, it made me a little sad until Taehyung punches the dude (ง'̀-'́)ง
Anywayssss I hope you all are staying safe and healthy! I love you guys 🤍

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