Let's Get One Thing Straight (Hehe) High School Sucks

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  Why did Taehyung have to be sick today?

Jungkook glances around at the other students as he stood by his locker, complaining to himself.

The one day his boyfriend decided to be sick, was the day he had to present his huge ass assignment.

And right now, it was giving him anxiety, like hardcore.

Jungkook slowly got his phone and started walking down the hallway towards his class.

'Why does your immune system have to be so weak?'
Sent '8:02 Am'

He sent the message to Taehyung and pouted as he sat down in his seat. It was okay, at least the class he had to present in wasn't until 5th period.

It wasn't until the middle of class that Jungkook felt his phone buzz. Trying to be secret, he looked at the message.

TaeTae ❣️
'it's not my fault!! im sorry about your presentation! You'll be okay I promise, I love you Kookie <3'
'Sent 8:47 Am'

Jungkook sighed softly and started to text back.

"Jeon? What are you doing?" A voice whispered and Jungkook paused and glanced to the side, only to see the one and only school flirt, Minhyuk.

Jungkook moves uncomfortably. "None of your business, and don't call me that!" He whispered back as the bell rang for the class to end.

Minhyuk pouts and stood up as Jungkook got his bag. "Where's your so-called boyfriend today?"

Jungkook sighs and rolls his eyes, walking out fo the class as Minhyuk follows him.

"He's sick, okay? And his name is Taehyung! So leave me alone now." Jungkook mumbles, walking into the boys locker room.

Minhyuk giggles softly. "Well that leaves me room to talk with you since he's not here! Andddd he's not around you all the time!" He said happily. "We have this class together, remember?"

Jungkook wanted to legit bang his head against a locker. "There's a reason he's around me all the time. To make creeps like you stay away!" He mumbles, but obviously the other didn't get the message.

As he grabbed his clothes from his gym locker, he immediately went into the bathroom stalls, not wanting to change in front of Minhyuk.

Minhyuk sighed "Why are you even with that dude?" He whines "2 years is too long!"

Jungkook then opened the stall and set his clothes down. "I swear to god if you don't leave me alone.." he whispers and felt a hand grab his hand, pulling him back.

Minhyuk smiles as he held Jungkook's hand. "You're gonna What Kookie?" He teases.

Okay, Jungkook has had enough.

Minhyuk was about to speak up again when he felt a hand, right in his face.

"I said..Leave. Me. Alone!" Jungkook yelled before storming out, leaving minhyuk speechless as he held his nose.

'Did jungkook just punch me?' He questioned. 'Oh I will so get payback'

As the day, very slowly, went by, Jungkook still hadn't texted Taehyung back. He was getting nervous to present, but at least Minhyuk has left him alone for the some hours.

He really was happy that he punched that guy in the nose, maybe TaeTae would be proud of him.

He smiles happily to himself as he sat in the class he was supposed to present in.

Taekook Øne-Shots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon