Starfleet Headquarters: January Following year

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"Your Highness, one of the last reports that was sent from Starbase 263 was full of speculation on how if you were there the ambush could have been avoided." The lanky admiral asked as he sat in his chair flanked by the other members if the committee. "Do you have any idea as to why?"

The committee was put together when Starfleet gained access to the logs of the starbase where (y/n) was living as there were some logs that were gathered that mentioned the alien in a manner that Intelligence officials did not particularly like.

"It may have to do with the fact that I can speak Klingon, or it may have to do with my accidental acquiring of a Klingon honor slave, or possibly it's because my telepathic abilities are stronger than Admiral Johnson's  were, or even that despite my size I can handle a battle. Take your pick Admiral." (Y/n) spoke from her place before them. "I was a friend to Ambassador Neran and his staff, a roommate to the CMO, a subordinate to the Chief of Engineering, I took pride in my work even if it was simple menial tasks about the starbase. I have lost my second home Admiral, if you would like to keep me as a prisoner I have no people to come to my aide if there will be a trial. I am the last known specimen of my kind, I'm sure that would give you all sorts of unease about me, however, I owe my life to Starfleet. Without the work of Dr. Serin, and with out the warmth of your people I would've been left in a stasis pod on a deserted planet and my people and my culture would've died there."

"You say this and yet you have a Klingon honor slave, whatever that means." The Admiral to the right of the lanky one spoke up.

"It just means that I spared his life in one on one combat. He was either scouting the Jefferies tubes or planting something there when he happened upon me. We fought and I came out the winner with him hogtied on the floor. There is no collusion between myself and the Klingons. Nor will there ever be as my loyalty lies with officers of Starfleet." The Gi'yann calmly explained.

"But not with Starfleet itself?" The last Admiral, an old Asian woman asked.

"I don't know the institution that is Starfleet, I only know that it has a knack for bringing together amazing people that can do amazing things, especially when they work together." She kept her face the calm wall of solidarity that she recalled her mother using.

"This committee is adjourned until further notice." The lanky one said as he dismissed the alien.

(Y/n) was then escorted back to her temporary quarters by the armed guards who escorted her from the Intrepid to the committee when the ship made orbit. They were silent and full of questions that had nearly made the alien laugh despite her glumness more times than she dare to count. Once in her quarters, which were rather opulent for someone who was under investigation, she grabbed one of the many books that Admiral Johnson had given her, rubbed its spine and smiled sadly. (Y/n) then took a shaky breath before sitting down on the window ledge and began reading. She hardly noticed the tears that sprinkled the pages. Her parents had taken it upon themselves to keep the extent of the pain locked deep in her subconscious before sending her, the only one of their children who had a snowball's chance at surviving, away with the knowledge of their demise. The pain that now filled her bones and her mind was that of what she should've been feeling since the moment she was awakened from stasis added to the ache in her heart from loosing everyone on the starbase.  The Gi'yann had cut off her access to everyone's mind and allowed herself to grieve as she held the book to her chest. She didn't notice the door open.

"Little Women, that's a good book." McCoy's voice brought her out of her pain.

"It is. What brings you here doctor?"

"I came to evaluate your mental health as your doctor of course, and I came with a message from Jim." Bones sat next to her and offered a quiet, understanding smile.

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