Enterprise: Charlie X 1533.6

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Stardate 1533.6

Today the Enterprise was to rendevous with the cargo vessel Antares. Our little protagonist only knows that they are to acquire a guest and she doesn't mind staying in the Jefferies tubes if it meant she didn't have to meet said guest because she felt a pit in her stomach about it.

She was monitoring the circuit that was for one of the transporters when she noticed a spike in the energy moving through it, the guest had arrived. The pit in her stomach got worst as her head began to pound. (y/n) sent a notice to Mr. Scott about going to Medbay once she finished the realignment for transporter 4. He was insistent she go sooner, but she wasn't going to leave until she was done. He said that he's going to send an ensign after her if she's not out of there in 30 minutes to drag her to Medbay. She sighed a resignation to his statement and finished what she was doing before making her way to the exit of the tubes closest to her.

"This is where you'll be staying Mr. Evans," Janice said as she stood outside of a room letting the person look around it before closing the door and walking past our space lobster resting against the wall. "God, Miss (y/n) what's wrong."

"Something about our guest has my head hurting. I'm trying to get to Medbay. I just need a moment is all Miss Rand." (y/n) tried to stop leaning against the wall only to stumble and catch the attention of Sam.

"Woah there, lobster, I've got you." He picked her up. and began carrying her to Med Bay.

"I owe you a drink." (y/n) mumbled as she was sat on a bed for Nurse Chapel to look over as Janice handed the dossier on the guest over to Dr. McCoy.

"When this passes, kiddo." Sam chuckled.

"I'm older than you." She grumbled as a scan was started and Sam left.

"It looks like you're being overloaded by telepathic data." Nurse Chapman hummed.

"Static more like. Someone or something doesn't want me to find out too much about our guest." (y/n) growled in annoyance.

"He's a survivor of a transport crash on-" McCoy was cut off by a groan from the Gi'Yann.

"Thasus?" (y/n) stiffened. "I don't like how this is looking, Doctor."

"Well stay overnight, you can't be expected to work like this tomorrow so I'll talk to Mr. Scott about covering your duties until I can figure out how to essentially turn off your telepathy temporarily so the pain stops." McCoy moved to stand by the bed and cross his arms in thought.

"Short of a coma not much you could do." She sighed. "Could I get a book from my quarters?"

"You were carried in, I don't think you'd make it to the turbolift." McCoy cracked a sympathetic smile. "I'll see if one of the night nurses would bring it. Which one?"

"Beowulf, in the original Old English." (y/n) lifted her knee to rest her head on it gingerly.

"Good god, (y/n) trying to make it worse?" McCoy grimaced at the alien before him.

"Not at all, that's one of the languages my grandmother guessed would happen if anything it's sentimental." She smiled slightly.

"Well until then, would you like to sleep?"

"If it means I don't have to put up with the static, go ahead and knock me out Bones." she breathed as she adjusted for him as he reached for the right hypospray.

An hour or so later Charlie had finished his exam and was escorted out of Medbay a moment before (y/n) groaned awake and curled into herself holding her head. Nurse Chapel was by her side immediately running scans and trying to see what could be done and if was anything serious. Once it passed she was advised to go onto sick leave if that was gonna happen anytime Charlie was going to be around. Only for someone to suggest a slow-release pain killer through a node like how the growth hormones were administered and a "buddy" to catch her if it gets too much. That person needs a medal. Chapel agreed but with the understanding (y/n) be on light duty with loads of bed rest between. Christine sent a notice to McCoy and Scotty about the changes and set the Gi'Yann up with the node.

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