Enterprise: The Naked Time 1704.2

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Stardate 1704.2

It was supposed to be a regular, joylously boring day of crawling through Jeffries tubes and minor corrections for our little space lobster. Some how, some way, she was fencing with Sulu and fending him off from some terribly clueless crewmates. She wondered slightly, where her day took a turn but the swift nick her shoulder received ensured that she was not distracted as she kept parrying and thrusting and trying very desperately to remember what lines to respond to the man who was spitting lines from something or other with.

She hoped that this could pass without her direct assistance this time, as she only had two hands and one was very busy directing her foil, and the other was keeping pressure on a nasty wound Sulu had inflicted in his haze.

(Y/n) wasn't aware of the time passing, only the searing ache of her muscles as she tried to tire out the helmsman while inflicting as little damage as possible to him and the surrounding area was the only all-consuming thing she felt. She was too tired herself to dodge completely, having opted for less life-threatening wounds, finding them to be far more favorable.

When Sulu slumped in exhaustion, finally too tired to raise his foil, she dropped her foil and swayed on her feet. Her mind disturbingly blank as she slowly slogged her way to medbay, leaning heavily on the walls of the ship as she slowly inched her way there.

The last thing she remembered from this particular day was crawling to the cabinet full of medical supplies and treating the worst of her wounds before passing out from exhaustion on the floor next to the biobed.

She does remember having the thought of asking for another assignment should this be a reoccurring issue before the darkness consumed her into blissful rest. At the time, she had forgotten that she wasn't truly a member of Starfleet and that reassignment would likely be a secret lab for experimentation.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2023 ⏰

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