Enterprise: Mudd's Women 1329.8

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Stardate 1329.8

(y/n) was working on a circuit in the tubes. She watched the readings as she tweaked it slightly for efficiency and output when the power blinked out causing the power pushing through this circuit spike. She hurried and finished working on what she was doing to move on to the next circuit when the power cut out again causing her to groan. (y/n) grabbed her tools and crawled her way to the nearest circuit on her list to take a look at it. that was interrupted by the presence on the ship that was new.

'Scotty, does the newcomer have something to do with the power issues?' she narrowed her eyes at the tube ahead of her as she crawled.

'Bit of it, aye.' (y/n) was thankful Scotty could tell her thought-voice apart from his from a distance, then again this was probably due to her giving him updates that way as she worked. 'Should get out of the tubes for now.'

'And socialize? No, don't like how the interloper feels.' She hummed once she reached the ladder and began climbing it.

'Interlopers, Princess (y/n).' Spock corrected interrupting the two's long-distance silent conversation. 'Your shift ended an hour ago.'

She sighed in defeat as she changed her route to the nearest exit. She must've made the newcomers uncomfortable. Once (y/n) crawled out of the tubes she felt three more new presences. A few stray thoughts from the four of them had put her on guard. They were lying about who they were. So she did the only reasonable thing.

'Commander,' She reached out to Spock as she made her way to put away her tools. 'Are you at liberty to tell me who these people are?'

'A Captain Walsh and company. Something tells me you believe otherwise.'

'The captain is lying about who he is and the others are going along with it, they are good about not thinking about the thing that they're hiding.'

'Perhaps you should gain experience in regards to how Starfleet conducts its trials.'

'The circuits-'

'There's nothing you can do about the damage at this time.' He cut off her thought and told her to make it to the briefing room.

After catching an appropriately lengthed rest period, she had found a seat out of the way where she can watch the proceedings. Looking over the four that had made it into the room along with Spock, she figured out why they felt suspicious. The women were altered, and judging by how skittish they are, illegally. (y/n) zoned back into what was happening in the room as the computer kept calling 'Captain Walsh' a liar. Kirk looks like he's going to sock the guy, as he should, whatever the women are on is being used by him to keep them in line.

After watching this unfold the four of them were sent away and Spock looked expectantly at her with a quirk in his brow.

"They've been enhanced and he's using whatever caused it to keep them as his willing participants in his current plot which is to get the ladies married off, that much he was honest about." She provided crossing her arms.

"Any idea what it is?" McCoy asked his mind already on the case of trying to figure it out.

"I heard them mention a pill, that's it." She shook her head. "Now if you will excuse me, I'd like to see if I'm needed in Engineering."

"Unfortunately, it is above your clearance level." Spock hummed. "So there isn't, I recall it's also your 'rest day' this cycle."

"Things always happen to the ship during my rest days," (y/n) nearly deflated. "You could technically not give me official rest days to see if-"

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