Enterprise: Where No Man Has Gone Before 1312.4

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Stardate 1312.4

Each department was on edge, as expected, the ship was nearing the edge of the galaxy to investigate the events leading up to whatever happened to a vessel older than our dear lobster. There was a curious mix of anxiety and excitement, (y/n) was crawling through the Jefferies tubes to reach a circuit as one does when the inter-craft com sounded with Kirk's voice bouncing through the corridors.

"This is the Captain speaking, the object we encountered is a ship's disaster recorder, apparently ejected from the S.S. Valiant two hundred years ago." Kirk paused to listen to what someone had to say. "We hope to learn from the recorder what the Valiant was doing here and what destroyed the vessel. We'll move out into our probe as soon as we have those answers. All decks, stand by."

The comm ended and (y/n) had to brace for the thoughts that were flooding her from the crew aboard. Especially a strong wave of disgust directed toward Commander Mitchell, the idiot doesn't know how to properly flirt that's for sure. It didn't help that Commander Mitchell felt hostile towards Dr. Dehner. Her communicator sounded.

"Oi, lass, yer takin a while, are ye alright?"

"Denis, your impression of Mr. Scott is not getting any better," She whined through the communicator.

"I know that, I'm asking if I need to crawl in after you to pull you out." Denis sounded concerned.

"I'm fine, everyone's on edge and it's making it tougher than usual to filter it out. I'll be finished with this circuit soon. Then I'll be out of your tubes." She said as she finished working on the circuit and putting the panel back in place.

"Aw, but it suits you." He seemed to be holding in a cackle, a smack rang through the communicator, "Ow, Grace, what was that for?"

"Your sins obviously." (y/n) deadpanned as she cleaned her workspace, an anomaly in the circuit sent a small spark out and it caught her fingertips, making her yelp.

She closed the communicator before she heard Denis's concerns and crawled out of the tubes finding herself in the middle of pandemonium. She quickly got to work on what repairs she could make near her and stayed out of the way of people running the injured to Sickbay. She then rushed to Engineering to help there. Everything had her nerves up, something felt different, too different, but she needed to focus on helping with the main engine.

A few hours later she was sent to the bridge to try and fix some of what was fried there and to get out from the larger engineers' feet. She worked with the sensors array first with Mr.Spock's help.

"I feel useless down in Engineering." She sighed while she took out each fried chip and examined it.

"There's only so much you can do anywhere at this time. Rest assured you are not fully useless. Everyone is doing what they can, for you, an analysis of the main engine might be best seeing the whole of the situation could offer appropriate insight." Spock had what scanners were working on so the chips that needed to be replaced or fixed entirely would be more easily found.

"Thank you-" She was cut off by Dr. Dehner talking to the Captain.

"Autopsy report, sir. Each case showed damage to the body's neural circuit. An area of the brain was burned out." She was different from before.

(y/n) zoned into the work and finished with the two main circuits she was asked to work on when working on the communications array she felt a chill jolt down her spine looking like she saw a ghost. Uhura noticed and murmured an are you alright, before (y/n) fainted.

The poor girl woke up in sickbay to Dr. Dehner telling someone to stop it.

Mitchell was being weird, he was the most different. (y/n) made no move to indicate she was awake as he carried on and Kelso visited. Eventually, she was left alone with him, mostly alone, someone was observing the sickbay at all times.

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