Unknown Starbase: August Following Year

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(Y/n) crawled through the jefferies tube in Sector 4 with ease. She was sent in to make sure that the jury rig that was put in the main circuit was still holding until a replacement could be shipped. She hummed a tune as she adjusted it slightly.

"After this, you can take the rest of the cycle off." The head of engineering toned over the short-range communication device that (Y/n) fashioned with some bits and pieces that were to be repurposed.

"Understood, Commander LeeAnn." The small Gi'yann finished her adjustments on the jury rig and made her way to the access point where LeeAnn Mitchell stood with a tricorder, monitoring (y/n)'s way through the Jefferies tube, the sensors on the platform locks have a habit of opening unsuspectingly on the humanoid child having caused numerous journeys to the Medical Bay and many an earful from the CMO.

"Hey, Kiddo, when is your birthday?" LeeAnn hummed leering at the readings as they indicated that (y/n) was moving through the area with the most problems.

"Not for another hundred years or so, if it is a comfort of sorts you can pick a date that you think works best. On Gi'yanna, it was the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the 111,111th year after my family moved the seat of power to that planet causing it to then be formerly called Gi'yanna Prime, only within the Gi'yann species though. The farmers on the planet preferred to still call it Gi'yanna Nar. Nar means 'homey fortress'. " She climbed down a shaft to reach the tube with the least sensor malfunctions.

"Really? You don't look like a Scorpio." LeeAnn sighed in relief the stress of hoping that this alien child doesn't get hurt doesn't bode well with her or her unborn infant. Which brings about the reason why it was (y/n) in the tube instead of LeeAnn. Doctor's orders.

"Scorpio?" (Y/n) emerged from the access point stretching slightly.

"An old Earth thing that is trivial and vague on the surface, my Gran was a strong believer in it she delved so deep she had acquired a following. She claimed that it was because her Mercury was in Gemini, I digress. It was used to help people get a hold of their identity." LeeAnn mumbled mildly annoyed at the memory of her Gran insisting that astrology was the key to life.

"My people believed that each individual was a star before we gained humanoid forms only to return to the heavens after death. When we are stars, however, it is believed that we are to help the omnipotent beings decide the personalities of their creations through games like the olympics that you humans used to have." (Y/n) gave LeeAnn the tri-corder that she used to check on the main circuit for the sector.

"Is that what you see when you look out at the stars? Your people?" LeeAnn gave the small alien a solemn look of caring that only mothers and empaths are capable of.

"There are more stars out in the universe. Somewhere. I know that they are safe now and that the omnipotence are keeping an eye on them." (Y/n) gave the woman a small soothing smile to ease her as she walked past her and to Med-Bay to speak with Dr. Serin about running a few tests.

On her was there she ran into the Ambassador's son. It was an awful first meeting. He had the audacity to talk down to someone much older than him as if they were below him, which is not how someone who wishes to be an ambassador should act. Haadok swooped in before it got too bad, but he did save the scolding for the Ambassador.

By the time that she got to Med-Bay (Y/n) had made up her mind about something.

"Cousin, I want to be bigger." She said as she was lifted onto one of the beds in to run an annual checkup on the alien.

"And how do we go about that?" Serin asked quirking her eyebrow ever so slightly.

"With growth hormone therapy." (Y/n) said matter of factly.

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