New Roads! Avatar Ben Varrand (2)

Start from the beginning


• Noble of Braeen

There is no price on your head anywhere.


Job Aptitude:

• Political Alliances: (Exp +10%)

You can create political alliances with political parties, non-ruling or ruling powers. This aptitude depends highly on your Honor, Respect, Leadership, Fame, and Notoriety stats and your ability to negotiate. This does not level up.

• Military Alliances: (Exp +10%)

You can create military alliances with political parties, non-ruling or ruling powers. This aptitude depends highly on your Honor, Respect, Leadership, Fame, and Notoriety stats and your ability to negotiate. This does not level up.

• Trade Road Builder: (Exp +10%)

You can set and create trading routes for you and your men to use. The number of trade routes is limited only by the number of your men, trading outposts and funds available. This does not level up.

Primary Path Followed:

Business Leader:

• Business Owner: You can buy, sell and manage businesses of any type. This skill is only limited by the player's talent as a businessman. Does not level up.

• Contracting: Beginner 9 (37%)

You can form contracts about goods and services with particulars. Maximum monetary value: 6G. Contracts can be repeated indefinitely.

• Trading: Intermediate 3 (45%)

You can buy and sell more than 360 of the same item at one time.

• Market Value Evaluation: Intermediate 2 (29%)

You automatically evaluate the market value of every item you know of as you enter a settlement, house or shop. The more you know of the kingdom and city you are in, the more exact and flawless your evaluation will be.

Secondary Path Followed:


Cook: (Exp-15%)

• Cooking: Intermediate 3 (73%)

You can cook, boil, roast and fry vegetables and meats.

• Butcher's Touch: Intermediate 7 (92%)

All wildlife-based loot rises by7 43% in quantity and 36% in quality.

Herborist: (Exp-15%)

• Herborism: Intermediate 4 (83%)

You can use reagents to produce potions, cataplasms, and bandages.

• Brewing: Intermediate 6 (59%)

You can brew alcoholic drinks.

• Nature's Growth: Advanced 1 (73%)

All plant-based loot rises by 65% in quantity and 49% in quality.

Druid: (Exp-15%)

• Inner Breathing: Intermediate 8 (29%)

As you breathe deeply and regularly your Health Regeneration Rate rises by 43%.

• Clear Mind: Beginner 5 (47%)

Resistance to mental fortitude rises by 11%.

• Nature's Understanding: Intermediate 2 (36%)

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