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1.  This is a work of fantasty.  It is not historical fiction, nor is it accurate to the already-written legends of King Arthur and Camelot.  DO NOT start quoting Sir Thomas Mallory to me.  I read them all years and years ago, but if it doth offend thy sensibilities that I should so uncouthly disregard existing works, then by all means, kindly delete this rag from thy library and seek more seemly entertainment for thine eyes.

2.  Although I welcome feedback, if thy only comments are to point out a spelling mistake or typo, I will delete thy comment and dub thee a "pouncer."  This is a free site, folks.  Although I do try very hard to get things perfect, I am just as fallible as you are.  If you are so aggrieved by my occasional (and I guarantee they are infrequent) errors, then by all means, kindly delete this rag from thy library and seek more seemly entertainment for thine eyes.

3.  However, if you do see something wrong with continuity, flow, something that doesn't mesh-up with a previous chapter, then please let me know.  It's been nearly 30 years since I last looked at this draft - I've lost a lot of brain-cells since then.  :)

4.  Even though I have, jokingly, thrown in thee's and thou's above, this story isn't written that way.  First of all, it makes my brain hurt.  Second of all, none of us speak that way, anymore, and it would probably make your brain hurt to read it.  Thirdly, please see comment 1.  This is fantasy.  

5.  This is a very different story than what I normally write.  I believe in strong women and equally strong men.  This story was started when I didn't believe in either.  If you have read MM or S&S, you will be, understandably, upset with me over this book.  Again, it is fantasy and teen fiction and was started when I was barely out of high school (right around the time that the book is set in - lol).  It is rawer, and far more vulnerable, than either MM or S&S.  Innocent.  Naive.  And yes, frustrating.  Extremely so.

But it has been carried in my heart for nearly thirty years, and three states, and good, bad or ugly, it has reared it's head in my time of wont.  

And I don't even have a cover for it, yet.  Since the changes WP has forced us into, the cover means ALL.  I hate that.  I am a writer, and not an artist.  I do wish I were both, but I'm not.  So I have slapped together what I could and apologize for it.  If the book comes to anything, I will work on it.

And now, the boring bits.  

This book, or any portion of it, thereof, may not be reproduced, whether in print or digitally, without the stated author's prior written permission.  Copyright (c) 2016, Linda Weir, a.k.a. keepaustinweird.

Meagan:  A Memoir of a Camelot Hand-MaidenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ