Chapter 8

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I practically skipped back to my apartments, giddy with the thoughts of what I would do with the cottage. When I approached the door, it was unlocked, and I heard voices behind it.

"Meagan, thank God," Bess grabbed me and hauled me in, "We barely have enough time as it is."

"Time for what? Who else is here?" I asked her as she started tugging on the ties on my dressing robe impatiently.

"Madame Marie has just finished steaming your dress in your bedroom," she said as the ties unknotted and she pulled the gown from my shoulders, "Go in now."

In my chemise and bloomers, I walked into my bedroom, which had been transformed into half-dressing room, half-bedroom in my absence. A small dressing table had been set up and large standing mirror was propped next to it. Madame Marie apologized, "I am so sorry, Lady Attendant," she said as she lifted my arms up and swept my chemise off of me, "There was a delivery mix-up and your dresses were delayed."

"That's understandable," I started and then stopped as Bess yanked my bloomers down from behind, "Bess, what are you doing?"

"My creations will not have such hideous under-things beneath them." Madame Marie sniffed in disgust, "They were created for a Lady, and only a Lady's undergarments will be worn beneath them."

Bess pushed me onto my bed and ripped my bloomers from my ankles. I was now completely nude and tried to cover myself as best I could with my hands. But I had absolutely no control over anything in that room, least of all, my dignity.

Madame Marie was relentless, and Bess was her happy little minion, slapping my hands away and even holding them behind my back if I protested too much.

I was forced into a new, much-tighter corset, that pushed my fairly-average cleavage up and out and made it look far fuller than it actually was. It also had two...pads...for my behind that made it look fuller too. I blushed at the sin of it all. So prideful. So lustful. So wanton.

"Nearly every other noblewoman wears something like this, or even worse," Madam Marie replied to my scandalized look, "Aside from their husbands – or their lovers," she giggled a bit, "I am the only one who know what their true measurements are. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Lady Meagan. This truly is very mild in comparison."

"Mine is bigger than yours," Bess giggled in my ear and handed me something that had one big hole and two smaller ones with a strip of cloth between them. It was made of lace and I was completely confused.

"Your legs go through those," Madam Marie told me.

"These aren't bloomers," I choked out.

"And they are modest in comparison with what other Ladies wear," Bess giggled, "Yours go nearly to your waist."

"Bess," I exclaimed, "you're not helping!"

"Put them on," Madam Marie whirled around on me, "The clock is ticking."

And on and on it went. They blindfolded me after I put my new undergarments on. I felt them put on crinolines and then slip my dress over my head, making me put my arms up all the way. They kept the blindfold on as they adjusted, and then finally pushed me into a chair.

Madam Marie held my jaw firmly – not letting me move an inch in any way – while she and Bess both dabbed and dusted my face. My blindfold was off, but I still couldn't see anything except the mole on Madam Marie's face in front of me. I closed my eyes and pursed my lips on their commands. Bess held my face still as Madam Marie fussed with my hair. I felt heat and tugging as she took chunks of my wavy, thick hair, but I had no idea what she was doing.

Meagan:  A Memoir of a Camelot Hand-MaidenWhere stories live. Discover now