Stalker - 2

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She walked towards elevator to her apartment and saw the guy still watched her. Eunji shrugged her shoulder and enter the lift. After few moments, something hit her realization.

'How come he know her home when she didn't tell him where she live? And the diamond ring on his finger looks like the ring she received earlier.' Eunji goosebump.

What exactly will happen to her after this? Because she saw the earlier person now without helmet on his head, smile plastered on his face, stand in front of her apartment.



She got two options either to run away or just smile back at him. She felt goosebumps as she watched him smile and she looked around in case anyone could help her. She saw him walking towards her and without a second thought, she entered the elevator again and pressed any number of floor button. She pressed the button to close the lift immediately praying the man will not follow her.

While the elevator was moving, she took out her phone and clicked 'Chanyeol' name in her contact list

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While the elevator was moving, she took out her phone and clicked 'Chanyeol' name in her contact list. Chanyeol is her current neighbour and they are quite close with each other. She tried to call him but just realized her phone got no signal so she decided to call him after stepping out from the lift. She took a deep breath and peaked through the door before stepping out from the elevator.


"Eunji? Where are you? Why are you stuttering?"

"C-Can you help me? I am currently at the 10th floor"

"What happened?"

"Can you just come?"

"But I am outside. I'll try to go there sooner. Wait for me"

Eunji ended the call. She looked around and sit on the floor. Her brain is not working in this emergency case. She hit her forehead few times to wake her brain up.

After a few minutes, she heard footsteps nearing her. Her heart was beating fast when she looked at her back and smiled.

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Eunji (one shoot)Where stories live. Discover now