Take You Home

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A short hair girl entered the restaurant with blue phone in hand and black handbag on the other hand

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A short hair girl entered the restaurant with blue phone in hand and black handbag on the other hand. She looked on every direction of the restaurant to find an empty table, but her eyes stopped on the sight of man with despair all over his face. His eyes only on the rectangle object on his hand, maybe waiting for someone to call him.

Eunji walked towards the man, try to put a wide smile in her lips. She stand in front of his table and knock the table. The man whose eyes on screen phone looked up to see the person who disturb his alone time. He put a thin smile, it was his best friend.

"Baek, are you alone? Can I sit here?" asked Eunji to Baekhyun who stared back his phone

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"Baek, are you alone? Can I sit here?" asked Eunji to Baekhyun who stared back his phone. He nodded.

The waitress came to the table to take order from Eunji, since Baekhyun already had his drink and food on table. Eunji thanked her and eyes back on the person in front of her. She looked his pretty orange hair, black suit and pretty hand playing with his phone. This man is the person she adored quite a long time but of course without him knowing.

They both are friends since high school until they both now worked but in different company.

"Why did you keep stared on the phone? Waiting for someone? Just call the person then" smiled Eunji. She knew her friend waited for his girlfriend to call him, all because his pouted mouth. Every single of his reaction or feeling, she can read it.

"I already called her, but her phone is inactive. She make me feels confused."

"..And despair. I can't stand seeing my happy friend became like this. Where's the cheerful Baakhyun? I'm sure she'll call you back, maybe she was busy with her work. Try to understand her, she'll be happy."

Baekhyun sighed and nodded. He put his phone aside and at the same time Eunji's foods came. "Thank you" said Eunji to the waitress.

She take the spoon and fork then eat her food. Eunji looked at Baekhyun who now eyed on her.


"I just curious, why didn't you have a boyfriend yet? Should I find one for you?"

Eunji forced a smile on her face. She does not know how to react. Because she try once to move on but no one can fill her heart like him. Can her heart cry? Besides, she can not let this man know when he already had a girlfriend. She afraid their friendship will be broken.

"No, it's okay. Besides, now I want to focus on work first" Eunji give her excuses. Eunji stopped eating and looked her watch. The lunch hours almost ended, she need to go first or her heart gone soft over him again.

Eunji stand from her seat and excuse herself to return to her office.

"But you didn't finished your food yet, Eunji"

"It's okay. See you later Baekhyun."




Eunji drove her car from her workplace to her home, cannot wait to reach her house to take a shower and sleep peacefully. Her phone rang and she picked up the call.

"Hello." greeted Eunji but the person over there just silenced. And later she heard sobbing sound from the call.

"Baekhyun?" asked her and still no response.

"Are you okay?" asked Eunji again. Looks like her plan to sleep peacefully need to be postponed again. She drove her car to the park where she and Baekhyun always spend time together if they had problem. She saw him sat on the bench while staring on the stars with messy hair and loosen tie.

Eunji walked out from her car and sat beside him.

"The stars are so beautiful, right?" asked Baekhyun. Eunji nodded.

The silence killed her. Eunji glanced the man who now look miserable. They kept quiet until Eunji started to break the silence.

"What again this time Baek?" asked Eunji but she knew it must be her.

He sighed. "She asked for a break up"

Eunji does not know how to react, happy because he does not have any relationship with anyone but at the same time she was the longest relationship with Baekhyun. Five years. And Baekhyun love her so much. Eunji knew it.

All she can do is asked him to be patient. She moved closer to him, caress his shoulder and stroke his hair. He put his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you Eunji, for being here with me. I don't have anyone to listen to my poor heart. I only have you."

Eunji smiled. Even though she is not his girl, sitting beside him, listen to his problem, and lend him her shoulder already enough.

"Thank you for being my best friend for almost 10 years"

Eunji forced her smile. Friend. Best friend. He never put her as a special girl. She know who she was. Eunji does not care as long as the man still being a friend to her, she willingly put aside her feeling. Should she try her luck to confess him tonight?

When Eunji about to open her mouth, his phone rang. He moved his head and answered the call. A smile plastered on his face. Eunji wondered what's make him smile widely.

"Eunji, she said it was a mistake. She want to continue the relationship." said him while clapped his hand. He stand up and saying goodbye to return home. Get ready to give his girl a suprise tomorrow. Eunji nodded and asked him to return home first.

After she sure he left the place, she broke her tears that she try hard to hold after a long time. There was no her in his heart at the first place. She knows. She hope, he can have his happiness. Because if he happy, she also happy. It's okay. As long as she can still accompany him till her life ended even though she is not his girl.


//inspired by Baekhyun - Take You Home lyrics//

//inspired by Baekhyun - Take You Home lyrics//

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