Chapter 29: Together Again

ابدأ من البداية

I frowned, knowing full well that he's words are true.

"I know, is just ... I don't want to get pregnant again so soon."

"Use protection then."


"You have been clingy." He pointed out and I was quick to correct him "I'm being affectionate!"

"Okay, but you also have to think about Jooheon, he's doing his best to respect your wishes despite his alpha mate cravings."

"I know, I will try to get close to him, I really miss being touched."

Hyung nodded his head and we proceeded to talk about other things that were constantly on our minds, like the girls. We parted ways in the worst way possible and ever since then we haven't heard from them and we haven't contacted them either ... we were wondering how they were and we even thought of visiting but we can't leave the pack by ourselves or else our mates will go crazy thinking we are fleeing again, also they can't come with us cuz they are too busy renovating and updating their training programs.

I sighed when Kihyun and I reached the end of the conversation about the girls, we decided to find a day to go see them without mates. We could call but we both prefer to see them and apologize to them in person.


I finished decorating the sugar cookies with a satisfied grin on my lips. I gathered them all and placed them in a bowl, just when I was doing that something occurred to me, something I have been wanting to talk to Ki about, something that has been bothering me.

I licked my dry lips and turned my head to call for hyung that was wiping the counter "hyung?"

His eyes quickly found mine "Yeah?"

"There's something bothering me." curse my voice, it sounded so little as a whisper not like how I intended it. I bit my lip wrapping my arms around myself while I looked at Kihyun a bit scared to tell him.

"What is it?" he turned his whole body around holding the towel in his hands. Kihyun's brows furrowed slightly in concern.

I hesitated but with the way Kihyun was heavily staring and almost demanding an answer with his eyes I caved and told him what was bothering me.

"I feel like I'm being watched," I forced out "like eyes following me everywhere I go and whenever I look no one is there."

Kihyun's face soon relaxed and a small grin forms on his rosy lips when he tosses the towel he had on his hands away to open his arms and wrap them around me for reassurance.

"Everyone is sort of watching you, but not with bad intentions, more like with curiosity. Also, it is because you are the most precious omega in the pack and half the pack is jealous."

"Really?" I questioned, not fully convinced that was it. Like come on, that can't be it.

"Yeah, I see everyone staring when you aren't aware. It's normal."

"I don't feel like it is."

"Okay, if it really bothers you that much I will have a word with the pack jellies, tell them to mind their own business."

"Okay." I tried to smile and hyung smiled back and poked my forehead, he turned around and continued with cleaning the kitchen after trying one of my sugar cookies.

The conversation didn't go as I was hoping. I knew the pack was watching me but I wasn't referring to them, I was referring to something else ... something that lingers far beyond the pack, something that hides in the shadows without being seen... or maybe it's my imagination ... I really don't know. I just hope it dies down for a while.

~Away From You~ Jookyunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن