25 to Life

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Bey Pov

I stretched out my arms and legs as I let out a loud moan of pleasure. It was the morning after yesterday's incident. I felt refreshed for the morning. I heard light snoring in my left ear and turned to see Shawn sleeping peacefully. His mouth slightly open and his hair tied up in his durag. He looked so handsome. I could watch him sleep all day. I slipped out of bed to get a head start on my morning. I grabbed my towel and looked for my toothbrush that I usually kept over. I brushed my teeth and got in the shower, lightly singing. I looked over my body and examined it as I showered. It healed well, my bruises were basically gone. There were still a few that might be permanent but overall they looked much better. I smiled a little as the constant reminder of what happened was finally leaving its presence. 

I felt my heart start to race as I thought about the trial. I couldn't help but shake the feeling of having to see him again, but I refuse to keep being a victim. Im finally getting back to myself a little bit at a time. I still have my crying spells but I am not going to lay down and take this pain anymore. I sniffled and finished washing up. I washed my hair which hadn't been done in so long. Thankfully, Shawn still had my stuff from way back when. 

20 minutes later, I was stepping out the shower feeling fresh and clean. I looked in the mirror and couldn't help but admire my body. The towel hugged my curves and my brown skin was glistening as the water dripped off of me. I felt happier and more content with my body. Drying my hair with a towel, I hummed this old school song Sunny by Bobby Hebb. It's been stuck in my head for the past week. I sang while I grabbed the curling iron to do my hair. I heard clapping as I finished singing and Shawn was standing in the doorway.

I whipped my head around shocked.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear you sing and watch you admire your body." Shawn walked towards me with a smile. "You look and sound amazing BB."

"Thank you." I smiled making my dimple pop. "And stop sneaking up on me. You always do that." I lightly hit his arm, smirking.

"We'll have to see about that."

I rolled my eyes and focused back on my hair. I didn't want my curls to be too much, just something to make me look like I'm not some bum on the street. My first couple of curls came out just the way I liked, Shawn sat on the tub and watched me, engaging in small talk to keep me company. I could see him eyeing me down though.

Our eyes caught each others in the mirror and I spoke to him through the glass.

"You know I know you're only in here to gawk at me."

"Whatttt?" He said making his voice extra high. "Im just keeping you company Bey."

"Mhmm is that why every five minutes you have to readjust your self." His face got hot and I couldn't help but laugh at him. 

"Man, I was just trying to keep you company, but since you think I'm just staring , I'll leave." He got up walking out all butt-hurt.

"Wait Shawn."

He turned around like a dog who looked back up at you after he gets in trouble. 

"You can stay, I like your company. Just don't get upset later when nothing happens between us."

"Bey, I wouldn't even try anything with you. It's not time yet. I wanna give you time to heal properly." He spoke with a serious tone and I could tell he meant every word he spoke.

"Thank you Shawn." I put down the curling iron and I hugged him tight. "You really are the best man I've met."

"Not as good of a man as you are a woman." The hug lingered before I pulled away.

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