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The sun shined through my window as I stretched my arms out. A moaned escaped my lips as my body spread. It felt like euphoria. I yawned while rubbing my eyes. Then, reached over to grab my phone. I checked the time and laid back until I remembered yesterday. I checked to see if Shawn got my message. He did, he just didn't respond. Sadness rushed over me again. I sighed, rolling out of bed. It was going on 7:30. I needed to make sure Erin was up to catch the bus. I brushed my teeth and threw on something quick so I could get him ready.

I walked down the corridor to Erin's bedroom. He was sleeping so peacefully. I smiled and watched him for a few before snapping out of my thoughts.

"Erin, baby. Wake up." He just scrunched up his face as I shook him.

"Erin C'mon. You're gonna see Tiera. You don't wanna miss her right?"

Erin opened one eye and looked at me, deadpan. He was so funny.

"C'mon" I picked him up and stood him on the ground.


"Don't ma me. Go use the bathroom and brush your teeth. I'm going to get your uniform."

Erin walked to the bathroom rubbing his eyes while I found his uniform. After school, I need to wash all his uniforms, so he doesn't run out of clean ones. It took Erin about 10 minutes to finish in the bathroom. I washed his face and did a breath check. We got him dressed in 5 and had just enough time to eat coco puffs and get on the bus.

I waved good bye to him and watched him get on the bus. It was around 8:30 and I figured I should get dressed. I decided to text my girl, Kelly. We hadn't talked in a while and I missed her a lot. Kelly is an actress and starred in quite a few films. I'm so happy for her, although it leaves very little time to spend together. She was in town, this weekend, for a press conference and movie premiere, so maybe I could see her. I called her and she picked up on the third ring.


"Bey. You dead serious." Kelly said sounding drained.

"What?" I laughed

"You know damn well I don't get up until 12. What you want?"

"I miss you, Kelly." I whined. "I wanna see you."

"Alright, but you buying me some food. Ill meet you in about an hour at your house."

"Ok bye honey. Don't fall back asleep either."

"Mhmm bye."

I was ready for Kelly to come over. I haven't seen her in two months and we haven't talked in about three weeks. We can go weeks without speaking but when we link its like we talk everyday. She is a close friend and I know she could definitely help with the Shawn situation.

I stayed in my lounge clothes but I washed up and played some music as I got ready. I blasted my song and my favorite part came on:

My skin is my cape, huh

My black is not beige, huh

Natural face, huh

That's how I wake up

No love for the fake ones

You get what you give, huh

Bills, bills, bills, bills, spend

Kelendria rich, huh

Talk saucy and nice, but this shit is sweet

Whole 'nother side that you never seen

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