Things Remembered.

Start from the beginning

Harry's POV.... I missed her everyday, So I wrote to her. As much as I was able to, The more it goes on. The worse and the far more bloodier this war gets. Four of my men were killed by Nazis last night while we were out.
Most of us were drunk. But the thought of my own death never fails slip past me. I've escaped it many times. And I feel like I'm stepping on thin ice every time I manage to have one more shot at life and killing another enemy. I think about my mum, Sofia and my sister. And how they all must be feeling. The most important women in my life I couldn't bare to lose any.
Most nights I'm not able to sleep because of what I saw while trapped at Dunkirk and nearly drowning to death on that destroyer. I could still feel the frigid water filling my lungs and going numb. Not able to speak, but only seeing bodies and bullets wizzing at me right and left. The water turning black and thick with oil. Is what keeps me up, I try to fight those memories yet they keep
Coming back since it's the reality I live in.
"Do You even know where we are!"
Said A blonde haired lad by the name of Clifton
As the other men "shhh'd" Him otherwise we'd be dead.
"We're always in some Random town or a Forest!" "I want to kill some Nazi cunts for fucks sake!"
Shut Up!. I whispered back, while we were trying to keep our focus on the Nazi target going on at cinema. I zoomed in with my binoculars and loaded my gun.
"Seems to be an event going on down there?" "They're dressed nice for a film?"
Said William.
I know. And that's what we're gonna go for. I said as they looked at me like I had been a madman.
"You mean Dress Up Like Nazis and go to the fucking cinema!" Said George as if he hadn't had any idea what I had meant
"No, fucking idiot. We're going to kill a couple members and wear their uniforms and Destroy the theatre with them in it. Does that make sense?" Said Ethan who was beside me scoping out the Nazi generals having a smoke and conversing with a couple ladies who seemed to appear as prostitutes.
Do you have any idea what time the show starts?. I asked As Ethan and Will looked at the small poster in German advertising the premier. " Half past Eight" Said William. As I checked my watch. About an hour towards the showing. Which shouldn't take long.
Y'all ready to see nazis burn?. I said as I readied the procedure to go through with our plan to eliminate the Nazis inside. It was used as a distraction to take their mind off the war. While a few of the Most important leaders of the Nazi regime are going to attend. The lads and I kept ourselves hidden and quiet while we slid down the steep muddy hill. Still pointing our guns in case we had any "hiccups" in our plan. I heard one of our members vomit as the two men behind me pointed their guns at him for a split second out of fear. It Was Marshall who was a bit nervous and silent the whole time. I kept watch of our surroundings and walked up to him. Marshall , You Alright Lad?. I asked as I signalled the other two to follow suit and do as planned.
He shakes his head and clenches his gun to his chest "I can't do this " he said breaking into heavy tears of anger. Marshall if we don't Do what we're commanded to do?. Then we're never going to win this war. I whispered.
As William Carefully eyes Marshall while keeping watch on the event going on. "H, I Think its best we leave him" He warned. As he cocked his gun. I looked at Marshall and suspicious grew fury in me. I Grabbed Him By the throat and held him up against a tree. Are you on our side or Not!. I seethed through my teeth. As he kept quiet.
"H, Leave The Bastard and Come on!" Said William
As I was too focused on Killing him. As He Pulled out a Nazi Cross symbol he had hidden On a necklace that he had covered up in his uniform. I broke his Wrist as he had Hit me with the End of his Rifle. I hit the ground as He stumbled and Ran. Yelling in German Before I heard four gunshots and something hit the ground. William Ran to my aid and hurried me into the alleyway to take care of my wounds. I was a bit woozy. And my head was hurting, as I felt blood trickling down my face. Where's Ethan, Clif and George?. I asked trying to stay conscious.
"They're all inside waiting for us, Now I gotta get you cleaned up so we can burn some Nazis alright?" He said as he pulled out the first aid kit and dabbed my wounds with burning alcohol that made it worse. At least cleaning off the blood from my forehead and other parts so I didn't look like I just got hit by someone. He finishes stitching my wounds and fixes my hair. His Bright blue eyes reminded me of Liv. As we got up continued with our plan. There were two Nazi generals walking past, Both Shot them and dragged their bodies behind a dumpster then Burned them. We stripped them naked and quickly dressed in their uniforms. Grabbed their weapons watches and any valuables they left behind. And continued their stroll, which they left off. "My German isn't very good" Said William As he cackled while we walked towards the front of the cinema. Try the best you can, I teased back. "Shut Up!" He playfully whispered
As a Real Nazi Commander approached us with his wife appearing to be pregnant. I glared at her tummy and wanted to rip the Fuhrer Bastard out of her. But that would be cruel I guess. As her husband may have noticed.
"Ah, Your Time Will Come König" "Staring at my wife's belly isn't going to make her more pregnant " He said as we walked inside
"So, Tell me you're quite keen on tonight's showing on one of our most proudest victories so far" he said as we were greeted by other Nazi  commanders and generals with their wives and kids. I thought of liv. As a little boy With blonde hair and blue eyes, typical Nazi spawn Runs into me with his Sister. Both imitating sounds of aeroplanes fighting against our airmen. As their mother dragged them back to her sight. They both saluted me like every Nazi greets each other. I hated doing it but if I didn't I'd blow my cover and I'd be fucked. Their mother greets me and drags them back into her sight. As I greeted her back. Seeing that will and the lads were in their correct positions. I haven't done a mock German accent in a while. So I was hoping I wouldn't be asked to talk. A woman appearing to be in her twenties runs up to me and gives me a kiss on both cheeks. Then drags me into the lounge where the top commanding officers were. Her accent I could barely understand. But she sounded French.
She seats me next to one of the High Commanders leading one of the hidden camps that I saw in Belgium. He looks at me and doesn't say a word and continues smoking. The plan was in place while they all gathered to their seats and sat down. As soon as the doors were locked and ready to go. The countdown begins and the movie starts. I gave the signal while they were all intrigued in the film. I got up and shot All of the generals and every in my section. The screen bursts into flames as I duck and cover. Heading for the doors and shooting any Nazi trying to survive. Barricading The exits so nobody escapes. The entire cinema was in flames. But I had to find my men and get out of there alive. Three of us made it out on to the streets.
"Where's George?" Said Ethan
As I went back inside to grab him.
I heard him screaming for help. Covering my mouth and nose following his voice before the building collapses.
"Can Anybody Help me Please!" Yelled George as I found that his leg was crushed by a pillar. He was weaker by the heat and smoke inhalation. While trying to save him
And not breathe in the smoke Ethan came in to help remove the pillar as he nearly vomited by the fact that George's leg was crushed and hanging by his skin. We both carried him out safely. And fell to the sidewalk to catch our breath.
"Let's Go Get laid" Said William as we all laughed and agreed.
Let's get Take care of George first before you let your dicks run off. I said as I led them into a ruined shop. Laying George on the counter to amputate his leg. He's already lost enough blood to make him unconscious. Will and Ethan Kept guard. As I Disinfected his Wound, He groaned in agony. As we told him to keep quiet. We looked suspicious enough in these bloodied uniforms. Finishing up stitching his Leg. I gave him enough morphine to numb him from the pain he's about to feel later on once he's conscious enough.
"What are we going to do with the other half of his leg?" Whispered William
I don't know. I said keeping a close eye on him. Hang in there lad. I said to George as he laid unconscious. "Am I, am I gonna lose my leg" he said. No need to worry about that Now. We need to get you to a nurse. But right now, your Life is more important. I said as he drifted off.
You guys get laid while I keep watch of George. We need to get back to base as soon as we can.  I informed.
« Fuck that mate, we're only taking the mick, If we do that, you might risk getting caught » « we can't leave you behind ? » Said Will.
We have to get him out of here and back to base as quick as we can. Before anyone wakes up. I said as they both nodded and came to help me pick George up and carry him through the back entrance of the shop. I kept a close eye out and signalled coast as clear. We carried him to safety. I kissed my picture of Olivia for goodluck. We knew the nazis were out so we had to be careful. Twice as much since we blew up an entire theatre of top ranking nazis. I heard dogs and soldiers giving orders in the distance whilst carrying their torches. They were getting closer as their torches cut through the mist. Out of instinct I led them into a flat building. Hurry Hurry!. I ordered quietly. As we kept hidden. Again. Bring him upstairs and stay hidden. I ordered them lowly as possible. As we froze while the guards beamed their torches through the windows. Hearing their dogs growling and sniffing and scratching at the door.
I heard one of the guards say something but I couldn't make out what. Since I'm not fluent enough in german. We heard them kick through the door. And search the house.
We kept quiet as we possibly could. Silently loading our guns. I heard them telling each other to search the house on opposite ends.
Keeping still while they searched through the house. Hearing their dogs sniffing and scratching through every nook and cranny before they came upstairs. As William hid in the corner of the stairwell. Ready to shoot. He gave us a signal and we hid in separate areas throughout the upstairs room. Kind of a slaughter plot to begin with. Before I could even turn my eyes off him I heard a gunshot. Hiding in the attic and watching William laying in a pool of blood. As the kraut soldier examined William's corpse while his guard dog sniffed every inch of him. The man chuckles and starts tapping at the walls and the floorboards to catch any of us. He shoots a hole in the ceiling that just missed my leg. I aimed my rifle through a small enough hole in the ceiling for me to shoot him. I was shaking while trying to get the perfect aim as he pacing around the room. He fires another shot. That hits one of my men in the stomach. A few times he fires again. As his mate comes up to join him and he starts firing his automatic. Blowing off the ceiling. Trapping myself while one man climbs Into the attic. Hiding myself behind a chest large enough to cover me. As fear and adrenaline kicked in I reloaded my rifle and shot the man a Few Times. Backing towards a window small enough for me to escape but also enough of a drop break one of my legs and try to make it over the wall below. Instead of going to escape the dead kraut's colleague had ordered a search to drag me and the other remaining men from the attic. I shot him in the eye And twice in the chest and stomach. Before he fired a few bullets at my other colleagues. Who were already injured. One of my few remaining colleagues had jumped from the attic as I had joined soon after he shot a few guards and kicked them down the staircase. Out of nowhere I felt someone grab me from behind. Pulling me back as the nazi had began choking me with his arm. He puts his pistol against my back. And threatens to shoot, I wasn't going to be a prisoner of war was I?. I had thought to myself. I reached behind me and tried grabbing the gun. Twisting his wrist to break it. As he had shot me. Gripping his arm tighter around my throat in agony. I knocked him in his nuts as I had knocked the gun from his hands. He looses grip of me as I had grabbed my side that I was bleeding from. The man comes after me as I had grabbed the gun struggling to reload it as it got stuck. It clicked before I had the chance to realise he had pulled his dagger to stab me. I freaked out and had shot out his brains. His corpse lands on top of me. My colleague comes to aid and kicks off the dead man. He notices that I had lost a lot of blood. " Fuck We Need to get you back to base!" He panics.
"Harry You Alright?" He Says As I didn't notice what was going on. As we heard planes overhead bombing places close by. "Harry we need to get you out of here, I'm Gonna make sure you get outta here alive! Okay"  He Said as he had struggled to pull me up. We felt the house shake due to the bombings.
Men were yelling outside but We didn't know what they were yelling.
The house was barged in again as we heard British soldiers making their way in. We were found luckily. I was losing consciousness as a medic saw that I was wounded and carried me into the medic truck as was escorted to the base. I was given morphine as he had worked on stitching up and disinfecting my wound. He carefully takes out the bullet lodged in my lower abdomen and puts it in a tin.
He sees the amount of bullet wound scars I have from the past. " This one could've killed you, You're lucky it didn't hit the low end of your spine, otherwise you would be paralysed right now" he said as he examined the area.
I'm surprised I'm not dead yet. I said with as much strength as I could at the moment. Will Liv still love me with all these scars. I said. As I became a bit woozy

"I'm sure she will Styles" Said a colleague.
Victoria's POV...

its been years since i saw him last and ive been starting to get a bit worried. I've been a nurse on the front helping the wounded and dying soldiers for ages now. Most of the women I've worked with are volunteers and have either lost a loved one on the front, in the air. Or have simply joined the war to escape home for personal reasons. I've gotten homesick at times. But I can't go back. Hoping Harry was Still Alive Somewhere. Although I'm starting to lose hope. Why did I get myself into this war?. I should've just stayed home and went to exile like the other royals did. I haven't made many friends here as I did back home. But what can you expect?. I'm hiding from the Nazis and the press that somehow knows I exist.  I've escaped them due to the nazis. I'm still the girl everyone knows and talks about. They  haven't figured out it's me that everyone's talking about. I'm all over the papers, ever since that split second kiss I had with Harry before he left. Yes I was half naked. But what can you expect when you're being chased and shot at by Nazis and merely escaping death by crawling through a fence?. I lost most of my belongings since I got trapped in warzone. I was hoping someone would bring me out of this war so I could go back home and pretend this never happened. I still feel guilty after Lucia's Death. Neither of them should've came back to look for me. For all we know, I could've been dead. It would've been pointless to look for me if that have been the case. But I still wrote to him.

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