Chapter 6- Gods had libraries?

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Italics=thoughts (only for this chapter!)

Now after passing out after shooting good old boiling H2O out of my mouth, I expected a relaxing sleep.

I'm lying, I'm a demigod, I rarely have relaxing sleep. I got what I expected. Almost as soon as I fell I was in another place (in human form and barefoot!). I looked around and the first thing I thought was, Annabeth would love this place. My heart hurt every time I thought about her but here Annabeth was all I could think of when I looked around. She would have loved the architecture of this place. The walls were the same grey as her eyes and the carpet was the same blonde as her hair.

Wait, what if the carpet was made of her hair? Okay, Jackson? That's just gross.

'I promise Annabeth, I'll come back as soon as possible' I thought to myself as I looked around, the pain lessening as my hope to see her again grew. I knew I was in a library because of the shelves upon shelves of books surrounding me. Some seemed as old as Chaos while others were so new they weren't even out of their plastic sleeves!

I walked around, actually floated but who cares, and whipped around when I heard some rustling. I slowly floated over there and found, Zeus? 

I didn't expect the Lord of the sky to have a pile of books around him, and to be sitting on a lightning blue armchair.
"Not this one either" Zeus grumbled, throwing the book over his shoulder for it to land into a pile of books behind him.
"Can someone remind why we are doing this?" A voice asked.
"Because we sent a hero of Olympus to another world" Many voices chorused like they have answered many times. 
"And why isn't Athena helping?" The voice asked again
"Because she wants to keep my son away from her daughter".
I turned around to see my father in an armchair as well, flipping through an ancient book that was falling apart before placing it next to him and grabbing another. 
"When do we get to punish-" the voice started to ask.
"WHEN WE FIND OUT HOW TO GET HIM BACK!" Everyone I saw shouted.

I smiled, at least they were trying to find a way, though what was it about punishment? I suddenly catch a whiff of fresh strawberries and fertilizer, a scent I was so familiar with.

I turned around as quickly as possible and what I saw brought, tears of happiness to my eyes. Camp Half Blood, in all it's strawberry, lava, and wonderful glory. Homesickness continuously punched my stomach as I walked around. I could spot old friends and new demigods, though they couldn't see me as this was just a dream. As I made a beeline to Cabin 3 nostalgia washed through me as I walked and felt home soil beneath my feet.

I walk into the cabin to find it neat and tidy. 

Tyson must have been here!'  I thought, remembering him cleaning our cabin and saving me from the dish duty in my 4th year of camp.

I smiled as I looked at the pristine state of the cabin. The fountain was still flowing, the abalone on the walls created still created rainbows, the metal flock of hippocampi or 'fish-ponies' were still shiny, and the unknown underwater plants and corals were thriving. I took a deep breath and my smile only grew wider as I remembered the cabin in Montauk, the place where mum and dad met. I hope Mum's doing alright.

There were two odd things about the room, one was that the usual sea breeze blowing through had seemed to completely disappeared. The second was that all except one bed was littered with metal trinkets. Then I realized that bed was mine.

'He must be waiting for me' I thought as homesickness uppercuts me.

Though I wanted to stay, I forced myself to walk out of our cabin and towards the lake. I passed excited campers carrying quivers filled with bows and arrows and cursing demigods. I heard Clarrise yelling and laughing and thought,

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