"You know if I'm lying or not."

I studied her once more. She didn't pause or hesitate to answer me. Her face was open, and she didn't try to hide any feature. She made no move or sound to lead me to believe she was uneased by the question. Her hands stayed tranquil on the table, still folded. She wasn't lying.

"All right. You said you had some information I would need."

A smile tugged at her lips. "Alex is still holed up in the same place. You've already been there."

I was confused at first, but then remembered the abandoned factory where Alex's men took Louis and me. "Can you take us there?"

"Yeah, but you will have to be careful. Alex has gotten more extreme with safety precautions."

"How do you know?"

She leaned in slightly, her posture remaining still. "I have a guy on the inside. He updates me on the stuff Alex is planning, but he won't risk his neck for me."

I nodded, impressed. "So, what does Alex have planned?" I had a suspicion about what it was, but I was hoping she wouldn't say it.

"Alex is waiting for your father's arrival."

I sighed, my head dropping. She said it. "Do you know when Des is coming?"

"No, my guy isn't that close with Alex."

"Well, at least we know that he is coming." I paused, rubbing my hands then looked back up at her. "Do you know what they're planning to do together?"

"Alex wants to use Des to kill you and your friends, then he's going to kill him for killing our- his mum."

I sighed again. "What I feared is happening."

"No, Alex and Des won't do anything to you and your friends. They won't get away with anything." Tessa said, trying to cheer me up. "There is one more thing you should know." Her voice took a softer, sadder tone.

"What is it?" I asked, anxious to know her answer.

She took in a deep breath. "Louis' father, Dan, is alive."


Louis' POV

I decided to stay at Harry's house until he came, and I was trying to distract himself by watching Grey's Anatomy with Amar, but I was failing. I kept pacing in the sitting room.

"Don't you think he's supposed to be back by now?"

"Harry can take care of himself," Amar replied, not taking her gaze off the telly.

I stopped pacing, placing my hands on the sofa, and sighing. "I know, but I can't help worry."

She paused her show. "I understand. Trust me. Every time Harry leaves the house, I feel like it'll be the last time I see him, but I will myself to remember that Harry's a survivor and can take anything that life throws at him."

My shoulders relaxed a little, knowing she was right. I went around and sat next to her on the sofa, watching Grey's Anatomy.

After two episodes of Grey's Anatomy, there was a knock. Amar paused the telly and got up. She went up to the door, slightly to the left and moved the fake painting to reveal camera screens and a number pad.

"It's Harry." She pressed the correct order of numbers, and the door popped open.

I got up, ready to crush Harry to death but stopped in my tracks.

"What the fuck is she doing here?"

"It's okay, Lou. Tessa's on our side. We can trust her."

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