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cool air flowing through my hair
squinting my eyes
the sun burning my skin

too bright

my thoughts scream
run and never let them take you alive
don't come back home'

my stomach churns
yearning for food
or is it just fear flooding my body
suffocating me

think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts
think happy thoughts

i want to stay here forever
being washed away by the tide
being genuinely happy for the first time in weeks
no bad thoughts flooding my mind
jumping down my throat closing it up
their claws ripping through my heart

i don't want to be alone
i can't be alone
but my safe haven is slowly drifting away

i just want to run back to my angel
laying in her arms
her soft smile fighting off the darkness deep inside me
her wings protecting me

but my angel is gone
tell me, angel, where are you?
tell me where we go from here

can't go forth
can't go back
can't stay

oh angel, why have you forsaken me?
just let me run away with you
hide with you
and never leave ever again

but i know they'd get me
i can't forget them
but i'll never let them hurt you, i promise

so watch me, angel

watch me run away keeping the memory of you tightly in my heart

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