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why is it that even though i'm hungry i don't eat?
why is it that even though my stomach is churning i don't feel the pain?
why is it that the thought of food makes me sick?

why is it that i stay awake until i pass out at three am?
why is it that music makes me cry at night?
why is it that i don't want to sleep ever again even though i'm exhausted?

why is it that simple gestures make me cry?
why is it that i want to let my anger out on someone but never do?
why is it that only work can distract me from the pain?

why is it that my mind keeps going back to the same thoughts?
why is it that my heart so easily forgets?
why is it that my feelings keep going back and forth like a kid on a swing?

why is it that nobody notices the absence of my mind?
why is it that nobody sees the deep sadness in my eyes?
why is it that nobody even asks me if i'm alright anymore?

even though i keep asking myself those questions, i already know the answer.

it is because of you.
you, who swore to help me but brought me down until i was just above the pit of despair's ground.

thank you, so, so much my dear "friend".

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