The Amazing Mask of Secrets

Start from the beginning

"I heard someone use razor leaf, someone broke the bridge," Meowth answered before they could even ask. It stopped rubbing its shoulder so it wouldn't bring attention to itself.

"So that's why you were..." Ash thought.

"Who do you think could have done it?" Serena asked.

"Well the bigger the user the louder it is, maybe it's those men from before." Meowth contemplated out loud.

"Those men?" Dr. Pan inquired.

"We traveled through here before but it was in a different part of the mountains. Three men on Tropius attacked us." Clemont explained.

"Do you think they could be behind Team Rocket's disappearance?" He questioned as they all focused their attention onto the scratch cat Pokémon. Meowth avoided eye contact, flustered with the question. It has crossed his mind, the possibilities started to race through his mind as he became visibly melancholy as a tired expression decorated his features. A fingerless gloved hand appeared in the corner of his eye reaching out to pet him; Meowth quickly scratched the twerp as it batted him away.

"Ow!" Ash winched eyeing his newly acquired scratch.

"Quit Treating Me Like I'm Some Pet!" It snapped.

The way Meowth handled itself was amazing. It just took charge and climbed up itself without waiting for any assistance. Ash just couldn't understand why it felt that he was the one suffocating it. That's the last thing he would ever want any Pokémon to feel around him. Meowth is away from Team Rocket and its flourishing before their eyes because of it and yet it feels he is suffocating it? That's at least one thing he can agree on with that man and Team Flare. Meowth would only waste away if it stayed with Jessie and James. It's intelligent and has so much untapped potential, it's the ideal Pokémon to train!

"I just wanted to say thank you for warning us back there." He spoke softly as he rubbed his newly acquired scratch. Everyone nodded in agreement that if it wasn't for Meowth they wouldn't have made it.

"Hey, that wound on your arm." The four-eyed twerp pointed towards Meowth's self-inflicted bite mark. Its shoulder was the real issue but the bruising wasn't showing just yet thanks to its fur.

"It's nothing, really." Meowth brushed it off and started to walk away.

"Wait, let us bandage it up for you." The twerp unknowingly grabbed it by its bad shoulder; Meowth swallowed its yelp as it winced at the pain. It turned around to bat him away. Ash instinctively rubbed his hand but saw that it was unscratched.

"I don't want to stay here." It mumbled softly. It was brief but its moment of honesty was so timid as if it was just peeking over the wall it had built. Oh, how Ash would just love to take a sledgehammer and bash his way through. Taking into account of what just happened and who the culprits might be, its only natural that it doesn't want to stay here for too long.

Ash thought back to his Infernape when it was a Chimchar. It was so timid in the beginning because of the way Paul treated it but after showing it kindness and letting it show its true feelings it was able to grow into a strong and powerful Pokémon. The only difference is, is that Meowth gets mad every time he tries to show some form of affection. So hugging it as he did with Chimchar and letting it cry it out wasn't going to happen anytime soon since Meowth would just blow a fuse as it did before, probably even worse. He looked at his hand that had some old scratches. Some were deep and some were small, sometimes Meowth didn't scratch him at all...maybe there is still a chance to reach it.

The twerps have a knack of making Meowth regret doing good deeds. Their praises annoyed him. He only did what anyone else would have done. Just because they are enemies doesn't mean he is going to be heartless. Meowth took a deep breath to release its stresses over the fact; it had other things to worry about. Now he owed Team Oyama or to be technical he owed Mamoru. The guy didn't have to say it, Meowth was smart enough to understand that since the museum was under Mamoru's leadership, it wasn't Team Oyama that he made a fool of it was Mamoru himself. That's the thing with humans like him, their egos bruise easily, but unlike the twerps, agents don't hide it. It's one of the many reasons why Meowth prefers humans that work for teams. The twerps hide their selfish goals or try to glorify it because they did something good in order to gain what they got, but agents are not ashamed at all. They know what they want and will do whatever it takes to get it.

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