Logan scared him because he was so formal and didn't get to see as much of him as he did Patton. Logan used big words that Virgil didn't understand and always looked so serious.

Remus was just a Remus. Everyone was scared of him to some extent.

Roman was hanging out with Virgil on the couch, looking for something to watch on Netflix. They had been playing tag earlier, Virgil being it before he accidentally tripped over himself causing that game to stop abruptly. Remus was upset that Virgil had ruined the game and Roman's legs were getting tired anyway so he didn't mind stopping, though he could've gone for way longer. Or so he states.

Roman was scrolling through shows when Virgil saw a familiar movie. He gasped suddenly and pointed, causing Roman to abruptly stop his scrolling and went back to the one Virgil had gasped at. Coraline.

"What's that movie?" Roman asked, having never seen it before.

"Coraline!" Virgil replied, his speech had gotten a lot better since hanging out at their house more. Though he still was a little shy to speak so he didn't speak proper sentences. He only really said a few words around Dee and sometimes Roman when they were alone, which was rare since Remus was usually around.

"Is it Disney?" Roman asked.

Virgil had learned all about Disney and watched every movie on Netflix since becoming friends with Roman.

Virgil shrugged as he didn't know. How was he supposed to know?

"Okay, I'll watch it.. But Disney is better!" Roman defended, putting the movie on.

Virgil giggled happily and wrapped himself up in his purple blanket. Roman quickly running upstairs to grab his red blanket with a yellow crown on it. Both children curled up on the couch with their blankets and watched the movie quietly.

Wait, where's Remus?

"How do dreams happen?" A voice asked, causing Logan to jump in surprise.

Logan looked over at Remus with wide eyes and his hand clutched over his heart. Some of his papers fluttered to the ground. He eyes looked back and forth from the door that was still closed to the curious looking Remus who didn't seem to realise that he nearly killed his mother of shock.

"What?" Was all Logan asked. He had not heard Remus enter the room.

"How do dreams happen?" He asked again.

"Well, uh.." Logan thought of ways that he could simplify it for Remus to understand, "dreams happen when your brain becomes active while asleep and often reflects on images, ideas, emotions and sensations."

Remus looked thoughtful for a moment as he seemed to be trying to register whatever Logan had just said.

"What happens after we die?" He then asked.

Logans eyes went wide, "uhh.." He started but Remus cut him off with a billion other questions.

"Where do babies come from?"

"Storks." Logan quickly answered, being prepared for that question for a while now but didn't expect it to come so soon.

"Are slugs just homeless snails?"

Logan sighed as he realised this and wasn't exactly in the mood to explain all of it to him. Deciding to change the subject.

"Why are you asking me all these questions, Remus?" He asked.

"Because I want to know things and you're the smart one." Remus answered though that was only half the reason and Logan could tell.

"And?" Logan said, gesturing for him to continue, knowing that wasn't the only reason.

The House Across The Street *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now